Apr 25, 2008 02:53
it's friday afternoon here as i type this. i'm currently about to move my computer to the middle room to run off my want list for this weekend's big comic and game expo. i'm so excited i can hardly contain myself. there's gonna be comics and mark waid and comics and george takai and comics and micheal rosenbaum and comics and trisha Helfer and COMICS!!!!!!!!
i've been waiting on this for the last year or so at least, having bought my tickets to said event the moment they went on pre-sale thru the website. i also had a look at the panels they have scheduled and i'm wondering how on earth i'm going to attend to my shopping and all the panels i want to be in without being at least 3 people. maybe i can enlist some of my alternate earth counterparts to help.
i'm about as excited for this as patsy is for the upcoming george micheal concert we're attending in vegas. (yes, vegas, MGM grand, George micheal) going to be a fantastic time there too. just what we need to counteract all the doom and gloom that's been going on lately.
(more on that in a seperate entry after comicon. i'm trying to really forget about that right now)
i'm off for at least another month die to my foot issues as dr. herget has decided to make a final push in getting my foot's health back on track. i'm supposed to be going into the hospital sometime soon for a month so they can treat this and i really wish they would hurry up so i can get back to work.
otherwise i'm just treating it on my own and hoping it get''s better. (i have a special pass for this weekend... no IV'S or stuff) provided i keep my foot up once i get home.
so that's it for now... i think i'm going to go and put my foot up, finish my slurpee and watch "cloverfield". take care and god bless.
and those i'll see at the comic show tomorrow... see you there.