Supernatural 5.22 - Swan Song

May 26, 2010 23:49

Loved the intro. I mean, many characters on the show have had flashbacks to their pasts, but this is the first time we get a glimpse of the Impala's history. Sal Moriarty, LOL. Taken, of course, from the names of the two protagonists in On the Road.

I'm a firm supporter of Team Free Will, but the episode was very much heartbreaking, heavy with the weight of destiny. It was a forgone conclusion that Sam would say 'yes', Death himself told Dean that. And after, Sam didn't even stand a chance: Lucifer took control right from the start.

Still, after all the build up, it was disappointing that there wasn't a showdown between Michael and Lucifer. The only action we got to see was Cas attacking Michael and Lucifer offing both Cas and Bobby. Thankfully, Sam manages to wrest back control as Lucifer is attacking Dean, though the flashbacks nearly made me laugh out loud, because they were spot on in choosing the fan-favourite scenes that I've seen many, many times in Supernatural music vids.

And then it's done. Lucifer sealed back in his prison, along with a very surprised Michael, I'm sure. Cas is brought back, and he goes off to set heaven to rights. Bobby resumes hunting again and Dean tries to settle into a normal life with Lisa. And then that last scene with Sam appearing made me very, very happy. But also a little nervous, because his expression has more than a bit of Lucifer in it.

And so we have it. A five season arc wrapped up, some questions answered, and some still up in the air. Who is Chuck, really? After that disappearing act, we're all looking at him in a new light. Hopefully, we'll get some answers in season 6. Yes, it's confirmed already. And thinking about it, events in this episode really fit with what we saw in The End. For The End, the Croatoan virus is running loose, which means the whole plot with Pestilence and the swine flu vaccine came to fruition. And I think future Cas mentioned that he lost his angelic powers when the angels withdrew, which suggests that Michael was defeated. Seeing how Micheal had to settle for second-choice Adam while Lucifer got Sam in the finale, it isn't so surprising that Lucifer would come out on top in a showdown in Detroit. So the outcome really did hinge on Dean standing by Sam's side. Really, the extent to which everything ties together boggles the mind.

Bottom line: I had some quibbles with the episode, but having both Sam and Dean alive and kicking at the end? I'd count that as a win.


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