[ accidental video / action ]

Jan 04, 2011 15:10

[ apparently buffy's journal is wedged open somewhere in the living room of house seven; all day, it has been broadcasting sporadic glimpses into a rather uneventful tuesday in the life of luceti's slayer. unlike other spectacularly juicy or entertaining accidents that the village possibly thrives on spectating, this round of she-doesn't-know-you-can-see-her consists of some casual origami folding, or buffy settled back on the couch with a throw blanket to watch a feel-good movie, or perhaps her chewing on the tip of a pencil while she really thinks hard about tomorrow's grocery list. there may even be an expertly completed buff-and-paint job on her toenails. never mind that flip-flop season is still too many months away.

eventually she sighs and mutters to herself: ] It's freezing out there. Patrol is gonna be major sucksville.

[ and it is. once the sun is setting, buffy is out and bundled up to the nines against the cold snap. fellow villagers, buffy is roaming your streets with a mace in her gloved hands; however, she is wearing so many layers! she might very well look a lot less petite than normal under snow pants, a hoodie, a thick jacket and a knit hat drawn tight over her head. plus the scarf -- can't forget the scarf. cases of mistaken identity are welcome. ]

buffy the young woman, !accidental video, buffy the tuesday slayer, ⚔ leonard "bones" mccoy, !action, buffy the stay-puft marshmallow, ⚔ jack horner

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