AWESOME SurveyFail filk keeps coming

Sep 05, 2009 22:31

So I rimed me some Mother Goose filk on the PervySurveyFail (Ogi Pogi, puddin' and pie)

behind the cut )

surveyfail, filk, fanrhymes

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elfwreck September 6 2009, 17:41:15 UTC
This post & the matching ones on other sites have been included in a linkspam roundup.

(And when the links slow down, I'm gonna start sorting the linkspam chronologically & by topic, so all the nifty fanworks can get showcased.)


slashpine September 6 2009, 17:52:57 UTC
You so totally rock! Signal boosting=Elf

I can't even get caught up reading & replying to comments on my *own* posts, and you're sorting out *fandom*! You're total awesomesauce.

... You realize, of course, that your linkspamming, esp with this cool icon and the accompanying post, have irrevocably changed the course of how fandom is responding to this Fail? (Good thing you didn't implement this observer effect while Ogi was busy putting both feet in his mouth, or he might have pulled out of fandom before he showed all his colors. Or pants, or ... *mixed metaphors are mixed*)

Also, you've replaced half of what FW did - the record-keeping half - which is quite possibly much more than half the reason ppl read there. Which means, 18 months after Oulangi was pointing out at Escapade08 how badly fandom needs moar fannish infrastructure/metastructure, and how wrong it is to make FW be both mock comm (its purpose) and fannish newspaper (its side effect), you've singlehandedly sorted out a solution... Yes, *awesomesauce* is wholly you!


elfwreck September 6 2009, 18:39:31 UTC
Credit where due: I took over, this time, for Naraht, who's busy with something like a doctoral thesis right now. Linkspam is her baby; she started the collection during Mammothfail. (And she got the idea from rydra_wong during racefail.) Wasn't my idea, but I'm happy to gather links.

I don't have time to read, think & reply either. Linkspamming is simpler than that; uses different parts of the brain. I'm incredibly behind on replying to comments for my S'Games story because of this.

Good thing you didn't implement this observer effect while Ogi was busy putting both feet in his mouthI did. There's a timelag, generally 12-36 hours, between posts & linkspam roundups. SurveyFail linkspam started evening of Aug 31; by Sep 2, he'd locked his journal down to just the fauxpology, and another couple of days later, he deleted it entirely ( ... )


slashpine September 6 2009, 23:02:55 UTC
Ah, yes, ok, I see, yes, well maybe, yes, cool, sounds good, agree!

(Also having trouble keeping up with comments, LOL)

Unfunnybusiness at Journalfen is doing a good job of synopsis & updates on the issues... I think they're taking over the job of "fandom issues newsletter"--but it's one issue per post, and it's got the problem of being on JF and running with a version of LJ's code that was old when I started to use LJ.Yes, and it's FW with the infinite regress of "if it's funny, mock it, and if it isn't, distort it so that you *can* mock it, and if you're out of mockbait, and done making it up, then mock the posters and the mockers, and the mockers of the mockers..." Plus, like you say, old LJ code: there is NFW I'm going to click to open every thread just to wade through the 99.9% stupid FW-clique-porn that substitutes for humor, discourse, and commentary, in hopes of the barely one or two comments per 100 that actually inform in an interesting way. To put it bluntly, if Ogi/Sai had wanted to paint fandom in the worst possible ( ... )


elfwreck September 7 2009, 04:24:13 UTC
Other overview posts: The Pervy Survey (Link-heavy)

Surveyfail synopsis: "I wasn't expecting some kind of Fannish Inquisition..." (less links; more commentary)


jalendavi_lady September 6 2009, 21:47:14 UTC
I just had to explain Strikethrough to someone in fandom not even 48 hours ago.

So I'm totally seconding the record-keeping. It'd be nice to have someplace to point to reactions as things happen, rather than just come up with an explanation from scratch or link to a wiki entry written post-event.


elfwreck September 7 2009, 03:16:04 UTC
I just looked over my Strikethrough links and wow, I can't remember which one I used to share as "go here first; it's got the simple overview and some links to more info." (Erm, maybe this post?)

The top of the list, shusu's post, is early linkspam: dozens of links with titles and no connecting info. I remember throwing it around a lot at the time, but I don't think it'd be much use now for explaining it to someone who wasn't involved.

I want to put together overview posts for Strikethrough, Fanlib, Nipplegate, RaceFail-the-first (with orcing), Mammothfail, the Fanhistory wank story, and probably a couple of others.


slashpine September 7 2009, 03:41:34 UTC
Two to add: OSBP, the Open Source Boob Project, and this spring's Warnings Wank. Oh, three: the "miscegenation" fail. (or are you counting that as RaceFail 1?

Let's see, that's 10 in about 4 years? Yeah, 2.5 per year sounds about right.

But that's leaving out the major intra-fandom wanks like shipping wars and archive baletions, that tend to spill over and across other fandoms too.


elfwreck September 7 2009, 04:32:25 UTC
Miscegenation predates the racefail I'm thinking of, which is AuthorRaceFail, wherein white authors told fen of color that they were reading the books wrong. With accusations of orcing ( ... )


reg_flint September 7 2009, 03:39:37 UTC
Interesting way to set moral/ethical conflict to music.
I have lost your email; hopefully you have mine.
I was wondering, the weekend passed, whether you have looked at my SBB or not. Please contact me fairly soon (sarcasm he he)


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