So I rimed me some Mother Goose filk on the PervySurveyFail (
Ogi Pogi, puddin' and pie)
Ithiliana over on LJ asked who impudently dubbed this the PervySurveyFail.
*raises hand reluctantly*
Ah, but she liked it! Well... in that case. *is inspired*
Remember Mother Goose and "Georgie-Porgie, pudding and pie"? I give you:
"Pervy Ogi"
PervySurvy, Ogi and Sai,
Polled the fans but told a lie.
When they asked about the fail,
Pervy Ogi started to bail.
When the fangirls came to play
PervySurvy ran away.
jalendavi_lady promptly shot back a limerick form (with apologies for the dissonant last line):
There once was a man, name of Ogi,
Who along with a friend was a fogey.
Fandom thought they were pervy
Once they'd posted their survey
And told them quite loudly, "Nokey!"
(Yes, I know the last line is horrid.)
Now along comes
quinfirefrorefiddle (
quinfirefrorefiddle over at DW) with an awesome, full filk! YAYYY fandom, that hath such talent in it!
"Once there were two researchers..." Sung to the tune of Carole King's Tapestry
For those who are fuzzy on the music, a link to the video. Cue, roll, sing!
Click to view
Sung to Carole King's "Tapestry":
There once were these two researchers who thought they had a clue
A never-changing vision of an everlasting crew
A web of all desire they wanted to weave and hold
Stereotypes to feel and see, spelled out right there in bold.
Once, amid the internet, and sites to make you sigh
With plot lines, authorship and wit, the fannish nerds did cry,
"I do not fit your labels, and you are not on my side,
Your ignorance is willful, which I will not abide."
They moved with some uncertainty, as if they didn't know,
Just what they'd gotten into, or whether they should go.
Once, they reached for kindness, hoping for sympathy
But their words came off empty.
Soon, amid the internet, the acafen arrived
Querying their methods, and how they had derived
Their predetermined hypotheses, which did not work too well
No one wept to see them suffer, they'd ignited their own hell.
As fandom watched so cynically, they quickly disappeared
Abandoning their "research" and their new-begun careers
In times of deep despair, at least, we know they won't come back
Their "survey" lost them all their cred, we won't trust them with jack.
We won't trust them with jack....
AHH Fandom! You are Made Of Win. Now, someone's got to do the Youtube version and CIRCULATE IT AROUND THE WORLD so that every search for "Ogi Ogas" comes up with this lyrical paean to SurveyFail. ::sporfle::
ETA: for more filk, fic, fan art, parody and all your meta needs: Crossposted from Comment here if settings allow, or there using your DW or OpenID. Please do not FW link. Play nice in comments. Don't run w/ scissors. Hug fandom hard!