NCIS Meme Day 1

Jun 01, 2011 19:42

I'm doing this solely because I'm bored and it entertains me :D

Day 01 - Favorite season
Day 02 - Least favorite season
Day 03 - Favorite episode
Day 04 - Least favorite episode
Day 05 - Favorite male character
Day 06 - Favorite female character
Day 07 - Least favorite character
Day 08 - Favorite villain
Day 09 - Best story arc
Day 10 - Favorite rule
Day 11 - Favorite DiNozzo movie reference
Day 12 - Favorite Ziva-ism
Day 13 - Your OTP (one true pairing)
Day 14 - Favorite quote
Day 15 - Favorite case
Day 16 - An episode you’ve seen more than 3 times
Day 17 - Best kiss
Day 18 - Saddest moment
Day 19 - Funniest moment
Day 20 - Two characters you wish had met properly
Day 21 - Something you wish you could go back and change
Day 22 - Saddest character death
Day 23 - An episode you wish you could have been in
Day 24 - Favorite friendship
Day 25 - An ‘OMFG did that just happen?’ moment
Day 26 - Most shocking/unexpected season finale
Day 27 - Episode you shed the most tears in
Day 28 - Favorite cast member
Day 29 - First scene that comes to mind
Day 30 - Anything NCIS related

Stole it from the many others participating ;) Anyone else wanna join? lol


Favorite Season?

Mine has to be Season 2. It has a ton of competent!Tony and McGee is finally part of the team.

I also kinda like Kate better then Ziva, I don't know if it's because Kate and Tony's relationship was strictly brother-sister or if I find her character more appealing. Kate was super different from Tony while Ziva kinda acts like him sometimes.

The writing was really fantastic this season too, and the finale for season 2 was Amazing!

There was tons of little Tibbs or McNozzo moments too! Even MW commented on the homo-eroticism ;)

bored, 30 day meme, ncis

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