Je t 'aime

Mar 24, 2009 17:52

The last time I updated my LJ was Feb. 7, but the reason for this new entry isn't out of any obligation to grudgingly dust off the cobwebs of this corner of the LiveJournal universe. Rather, I genuinely feel compelled to write, as well as express myself.

It's the middle of spring break, and I took the train from home to return to my university Tuesday afternoon. Why so early? I have some work to do here. As I arrived at my destination, I was welcomed by blue skies, bright sunshine, and a cool breeze -- light-jacket-over-a-T-shirt weather. I even managed to take a little walk once I got settled in, as well as do a little reading and some people-watching. While all this seemed nice and peaceful, which it was, there seemed to be something missing -- or more like someone was missing.

If you read my previous "life checkpoint" from Feb. 7, then you may know that one of the recent developments (if you can call him that) in my life is having a significant other. We've been apart since last Friday, and we probably won't see each other until the end of this week (The icon for this entry and the subject line will give you a hint about his current whereabouts). There have been times earlier this semester when he and I haven't seen each other for a day or few for various reasons, but this is the longest that we've been apart as a couple -- and it just feels so odd.

I feel odd even just writing about this. I mean, he and I have been together officially for more than 2 months, which is relatively brief in the grand scheme of relationships. Also, there have been couples who have been far apart from each other for longer periods of time. Heck, when we were in the "exploring stage," we were writing e-mails back and forth for the equivalent of about a month during winter break from our hometowns and vacation destinations. That seems more bearable compared with the current situation with our limited contact. Then again, I don't think either of us really knew back then, over the holidays, what would be the result of those online, written conversations.

Basically, it's amazing how one person can unexpectedly have an impact on another person and vice versa. It's amazing how little things can remind you of that special person and memories associated with that person, whether it is a song (or collections of songs), an article of clothing (like a a borrowed shirt), or certain locations (like a bench). It's amazing how that old saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," can be so true (at least in this case).

In the meantime, I'm going to (try to) occupy my mind and time with other things. Over the next few days, I'm going to try to get a lot accomplished: Besides the work I have to do for my currently somewhat empty, quiet dorm, I going to try to get some homework finished and tidy up my room. That way, when this weekend finally arrives, I can really relax and enjoy it -- and this time I'll have someone to enjoy it with by my side. :-) 


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