Life Checkpoint

Feb 07, 2009 15:29

It has been about 70 days, more or less, since the last time I updated my LJ. Within this time frame, a lot has changed in my life, though some changes are more subtle than others.

For one thing, I am officially a college graduate, earning a bachelor of science in journalism with a minor in Asian studies. Yay me! :-D I don't feel that much different, though, compared to when I was just an undergrad a few months ago. This is probably partially because I'm still a student, a graduate student, at the same university where I earned my bachelor's. I debated between attending grad school at the same university or attending one closer to my hometown where I would study a totally different program. This internal debate was the source of much angst, especially in the waning days of last semester.

One of the questions that a few people had asked me, perhaps to help the decision-making process, is did I get all that I could get out of my undergrad university and city? I had been there for 2.5 years; were there new challenges and worthwhile experiences that awaited me here? Or should I go elsewhere (which in itself is not much of a change in venue since it's my hometown)?

Thus far, having made my choice to stay at least a couple more years in my undergrad university in order to earn my master's degree, I can definitely see myself getting something new from this stint. For one thing, there's a lot of reading involved in graduate-level classes. Pages and pages, chapters and chapters. I'm a notorious procrastinator, and in past semesters, I didn't really keep up with the reading. This time, I am trying to do better with that, and I've been suceeding for the most part.

Another change: Minus all of the reading that I have to do and a little bit of work (I'm considering finding a second job), I have more free time than I've had in a long time, and I'm not sure what to do with it. However, I've found one way of spending it, which leads to another development ...

I have a boyfriend! :D More about him in another post ... perhaps. ;)

Oh, I haven't participated in icon challenges at LJ for a long time, but here are a few recent entries for the community travel_icontest :

A Few Rules...
*If you use any graphics that I've created, then please give me credit.
*No hotlinking.
*Comments are appreciated! :-D

001 New Caledonia
002 Faroe Islands
003 Eiffel Tower


icon, life

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