Well, I haven't updated my LJ in a long time, so I decided to do this meme, which was snagged from
phut . Plus, I love photography, so this seemed fun.
The Rules:
1. Answer each of the questions below using the Flickr Search engine.
2. Choose a photo from the first three pages.
3. Copy the URL of your favorite photo into this site:
http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php4. Share!
1. Name: Sarah
2. Favorite food: seafood
3. Hometown: Sacramento
4. Favorite color: blue
5. Celebrity crush: James McAvoy
6. Favorite drink: coffee
7. Dream vacation: Italy
8. Favorite dessert: ice cream
9. What I want to be when I grow up: journalist
10. What I love most in the world: smiles :)
11. One word that describes me: sensitive
12. My username: skywriter (I searched for images without the "86" part)
Sarah and her family framed by rainclouds, 2.
Seafood Marinara, 3.
Had a Great Time Photowalking in Sacramento Friday Night, 4.
Blue Feeling, 5.
James McAvoy, 6.
coffee art, 7.
Rome Italy, 8.
Ice Cream @ Häagen-Dazs, Shanghai, 9.
Journalist writing down phone numbers of witnesses, 10.
Cambridge rain: Smile, 11.
sensitive space, 12.
Have A Good Day