Testing layout ... 1, 2, 3

Oct 31, 2008 03:22

According to an old entry, the last time I changed my layout was in January.  Time for an update, and what better to promote through my header than one of my favorite television shows, "Pushing Daisies" (Shameless plug: In the U.S., it's on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on ABC), especially considering how many fans are worried about the future of the program and whether it'll get picked up for a full season.

I had planned on doing a PD-themed layout once the program came back this fall from its hiatus.  I also had ideas for possible headers.  However, I've never gotten around to completing those new headers (maybe some day), so I took a header that I had made for someone else and made a few minor changes to it.  I'm even using the icon that I made to accompany the header.

The hardest part of the process, though, was choosing a layout and color scheme.  While I became used to my old period drama header and found the shades of blue and gray of the overall scheme rather comforting, this current layout (created by minty_peach ) is more bright and whimsical.  In other words, this is very appropriate for the show.  I still might do some more tweaking to it.  For instance, I haven't exactly fallen in love with this particular shade of green (part of the original layout) for the background.  On the other hand, this color kind of matches the grass in the header, so maybe I'll have to play around with similar greens.

On the TV front, I have been trying to keep up with PD this season, but it's hard since I'm away at school and don't have my own television.  Anyways I'm usually unavailable to watch the show when it airs.  That's why accessing the episodes on ABC's Web site has been really helpful.  However, recently, I've been having trouble with viewing the show online because I need to upgrade to Adobe Flash Player 10, but my laptop seems to have a problem with accepting that program.  Therefore, besides ABC's online replays of shows, I can't watch certain videos that also require that particular version of the player. I'm not sure if anyone else has had a similar problem with Flash Player 10, but any advice would be nice. Meanwhile, I'll have to get my PD fix somehow.  Hmmm...

pushing daisies, layout, life

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