Apr 23, 2005 21:55
I do not like having a cold and not being able to breathe through my nose and I am sucking on really strong mints that I hope will help but I think they are going to burn a hole through my tongue.
All of the places I applied to for internships still have not got back to me and keep saying they will soon and
I'm worried that if I can't score a decent internship at a PR agency how the fuck will I be able to get a real job when I graduate?
My friend Jenn got engaged yesterday and I know she reads this journal so congrats Jenn and Jon!
My poetry has gone to shit lately and I am so bad at ending and titling poems and it's just all emo. I also get mixed reactions from people who I respect and I am having much trouble editing. Reh.
I feel very out of place in several of my groups of friends. I get uncomfortable when two people who were previously each only close to me become close with eachother. I don't know if it's jealousy or greed or maybe it bothers me that people don't depend on me but regardless it upsets me and
I think that's kind of sad.
The National Day of Silence went spectacularly, except at the end during our Comedy Hour when someone was booed off the stage. She was literally silenced by hatred, and it was a horrible way to end such an amazing day. Other than that, it was great seeing so many people wearing our t-shirts and white ribbons and applauding our silence and a discussion with so many campus leaders coming together and
I felt that all the effort made it worth it.
There is one week left of classes and then all of my seniors are going to be gone and I know it's inevitable that I will lose touch with some of them and I sometimes wonder if they mean more to me than I mean to them or is it maybe vice-versa and is there ever a friendship that is 50/50 and
My posters are falling off of my walls and my laundry can't seem to stay in my hamper and I don't want to make my bed and everything is moving and changing and leaving and
I'm not ready for it.