Apr 19, 2005 08:20
The National Day of Silence
A Day of Remembrance for those who have been silenced by hatred
Wednesday, 20 April 2005
Buy a t-shirt or pick up a white ribbon at the table outside Doherty to show your support.
Clothesline Project
10 AM - 5 PM, Connan Room
Sponsored by the Sexual Assault Advisors
Diversity Town Meeting "Breaking the Silence - Together"
How do hate crimes affect minority groups? How can these groups work together to end hatred? Should they?
5 PM, Peter/Wright Rooms (UC)
Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs
"Stand Up, Stand Out" Comedy Hour
8 PM, The Underground
Sponsored by ALLIES and your student activities fee. E-mail allies@andrew.cmu.edu for more info.