Jun 18, 2016 20:53
When I ask the The Universe for a better life, it tends to give me more. sometimes the more can seem overwhelming, but I just take it in stride bc i asked for it (that's called OWNING UP). I don't worry about it, bc i'm only human I all i can do is control MY actions/words to try and send intentions forward that lead to positive results. (that's called FAITH) THAT'S. IT.
Everything else is a complaint, and The Universe doesn't care. It will just stop giving you grander opportunities b/c you obviously can't handle it in this state you're in. THAT'S IT. Don't like it? Well, get your shit together. Be secure in yourself. Be good to yourself and others. when I die, I want to leave a mark, not a stain.
Sometimes being good to your self means having to say no to others, because lost people can be leeches. They don't mean to be, they just need something to cling on to, bc they are lost, and having faith gives you a path- it's a blind path but it's a path. And lambs love a shepard, and herd I will, but I am not a vegan.