Actually, Finn had an entirely goop free day yesterday, and was goopy again this morning. One of the other mothers spoke a medical sounding name, and told me what she does to keep her daughter goop free. I'm going with what Alice said about my last post, and assuming it is a reaction to a virus, and see if it clears up on its own next week.
Finn was sleeping when I dropped him off at child care this morning. This was a first. He's always woken up when I take him from the car into child care. Not this morning. Luckily, there is a little mattress in the main room, and there I laid him down to sleep.
Finn's lunch today: tofu cubes (his favorite!), penne pasta, sliced fried pears sprinkled with powdered sugar, and fried cubed zucchini. Which zucchini you might ask... Why, this one of course!
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