Today I bring you 22 new Simgaroop'd hairs! A few have been done before, but I really need all 6 of Simgaroop's colours! :D All of these hairs obviously come in all of Simgaroop's colours as usual. They are binned and familified with grey linked to black*. Unnecessary ages have been removed. All meshes are included.
NewSea Nightbloom
All ages
NewSea Cleopatra
All ages
NewSea Heroine
All ages
NewSea Light Year
All ages
Cazy RainYDrops 11
Child - Elder
*Grey comes in a seperate package file, but is family linked with the other colours.
Peggy Fh 8012
All ages
Peggy Fh 7772
All ages
Peggy Fh 7960
All ages
Peggy Fh 5935 (Alpha-edited)
All ages
Peggy Fh 5754
All ages
KEWAI - Yayoi 3t2 by Martini
All ages
Males and Females use the same mesh, so you'll only need to keep one if you download both.
Download for MalesDownload for Females
KEWAI - Kisaragi 3t2 by Martini
All ages
Males and females use the same mesh.
Download for MalesDownload for Females
KEWAI - Mutsuki 3t2 by Martini
All ages
Males and Females use the same mesh.
Download for MalesDownload for Females
NewSea FootPrint AA & BG by Trapping
All ages
Males and Females use the same mesh.
Download for MalesDownload for Females
NewSea Foam Summer AA & BG by Trapping
All ages
Males and Females use different meshes, so if you download both you'll need to keep both meshes.
Download for MalesDownload for Females And now over to two remade hairs. Just because I have a tendence of being a perfectionist and thus easily find faults in some of my earlier works...
B-flysims Mh 57 (Remade)
All ages
Raon Mh 47 (Remade)
All ages
Both black and beige hats are included in the download. Files are clearly namned, so if you only want one colour or if you want to mix and match, it should be easy enough. :) The hair is now also binned as a hat and should behaive correctly when it comes to turn-ons and turn-offs.
Download Credits: Neena Needles, Pooklet, Simgaroop, Trapping, Martini, KEWAI, Raon, NewSea, Peggy, B-flysims, Cazy