Strangetown Round 2: LFT, Simbin Students + Worthington

May 15, 2013 22:02

Warnings: Many pictures, WooHoo, Crappy English, Typos...

Simbin Students, first semester second year

A mad dormie pays the lot a visit (he and Blossom had a little fight while they still lived in the dorm)...

...Blossom doesn't really care about mad visitors though...

...because she feels there's something really good going on between her and Tank Grunt...

...something real good indeed! :D

Klara: *stares annoyed*
William: *is unable to enjoy the food in Klara's presence*

Coach: Don't you dare eat that before you have done something to deserve it!
William: If you just knew how horrible I've been feeling lately, you'd also know I actually deserve at least 10 000 dishes without any working-out!

Now this is creepy...

Dont you have any decency?
Coach: What!? This was an accident! I swear!

Downstairs William and Klara are in the mids of yet another fight...

Again, Klara stand as the winner.

All these lost fights is hard for William. He doesn't think much of himself these days...

William: I feel so incredibly worthless! I'm not good at anything - not even fighting!

Poor William doesn't even get much sleep at the moment and often waked up way too early :(

Well I get you're pissed, but if you don't stop right now, you'll make me pissed too. Just a warning!

Even though William's been feeling quite depressed lately, there's one sim who always makes him happy - William Wrightley!

William's also convinced that the feeling he has for Guy is mutual, so he decides to propose...

Guy is a bit surprised, but he can't find any good reasons not to accept.

Suddenly William doesn't really care about the lost fights that much. He might not be very strong physically, but hey - not everyone can be that!

Later that day, Klara quite surprisingly decides to join William in a game of chess. William is not too trilled...

William: Can't believe I'm actually playing with her!

What's up William?
William: Still can't believe I actually played with her!
(I eventually had to use the bathbox to remove the stuck expression :D)

Stella: Don't worry about the lost fights William! Klara might be stronger, but you are way more handsome!
William: Why, thanks!

The next night, William and Klara decide to play chess together again...

...until they suddenly are friends (but still enemies too!) :D

In the middle of the night, Klara, Blossom and William returns home from their final exams - all managed to get on Dean's List this time!

A couple of hours later, Stella returns home as well. She gets on Dean's List too.

Worthington, first semester second year:

Mickey had been more and more attracted to the piano lately...

...he's even quite good at it - at least if you ask Frances.

Frances is ambitious as always! :)

Despite some typical romance wants now and then, Mickey clearly shows he cares most about Frances.

Morning cuteness! <3

At least once a day Frances tells Mickey just how perfect he is.

For the first time I can recall, I get to see what the Llama Mascot dude looks like. :D

The Llama Mascot is a social animal - if he's not bugging the residents he's bugging the passer-by...

Despite having a LTW of becomming captain heroine, Jasmine Rai is not interested in talking about it.

Gotta love Frances's goofy dancing! :D

Mickey: Taking a bath in a dirty bathtub is pretty much the best thing I know...

Mickey has really learnt from his earlier academic probation, and is determinded to not ever let it happen again.

Literally all Frances care about right now is Mickey!


Mickey is now a third year student, and gets new turn-ons to boost the chemistry with his fiancee.

Neither of them gets any awesome grades this time - but enough to pass! :)

Simbin Students, second semester second year:

I hope you're not attempting to make a self portrait, Stella!

Blossom doesn't really like to work out, but would still like to feel a bit stronger.

Klara might not look like she's having a good time, but fact is she's suddenly become addicted to training. Knowing that William will be even more chanceless if he ever tries to attack her again, is of course another motivation.

Stella's friend Almeric walks by...

...and over a game of dart the two of them gets an opportunity to reconnect.

Don't attempt anything, cow mascot! Klara is now a strong woman - a really strong woman! :D

William spends most of his freetime giving financial advices.

Klara gets new turn-ons & turn-offs.

Blossom, Klara and William all gets on Dean's List this time.

Immediately after her final exam Blossom invites Tank over...

...and asks him to move in.

Tank's of course happy to get away from the dorm and espcially to get away from Johnny.

As soon as he has moved in, the moment Blossom has been waiting from comes...

Blossom's answer is of course yes! :)

Celebration time! :D

Stella's final exam is a bit later than the other's, but she gets on Dean's List and also gets new turn-ons. :)

And we end with a look at everyone's relationships panels:





Worthington, second semester second year:

This coach really is a perv! That much is obvious by now!

Mickey pretends he actually doesn't dislike excersising too much.

Frances has completed yet another term paper.

Frances goofy dancing face is awesome, but Mickey's is quite okay too! :D

The next day Mickey gets to host a party...

...of course the coach is there trying to destroy it though...

The guests arrive...

I have no idea why Gunnar suddenly has a huge beard, but I have to admit he looks kinda cool with it! :D Fortunately the coach decides to leave.

Guy wants to make everyone happy by giving compliments... unfortunately not everyone appreciates his kind words though :(

While Jessie can reject kind words, she would never regret a flirt!

Jessie: OMG! Almeric probably has the hottest neck ever!

Jessie is in seventh heaven! :D

The party goes on...

I don't think you'll dare, Gunnar! :p

Gunnar: Why do you have to say that!? That makes me nervous!


It ends up as a roof raiser! :)

Gunnar: Hey - where is my money!?
Me: I don't think anyone gave you a tip this time, honey...

Gunnar: And here I've been playing piano more than an hour to entertain the guests... Why is everyone so ungrateful?

Frances really enjoyed the party and everything, but he didn't like the way Guy looked at Mickey and even less the way Mickey looked at Gunnar...

Some quality time with Mickey and Frances forgets about his suspicions though!

Yeah, he totally forgets! :D

I liked Frances original clothes and his original-matching makover clothes, but felt like a change! :D

When Frances goes to get the post, he finds a coupon for a free meal at a resturant. I'll have to remember to actually use it this time! :D

Frances gets new turn-ons, which gives makes him and Mickey a three-bolts couple!




I decided to change all names on the college students from Swedish to English. Some of the translations are stupid, and it also makes things easier for me.

Tank never rolled an engagement want despite giving him plenty of time. Blossom, beeing a family sim, was quick to roll it of course, and since Tank clearly loves Blossom very much it felt natural to make him propose :)

Next time we will visit the Specter and Shifting Paradymes households. Thanks for reading!

strangetown: la fiesta tech, dosser, strangetown, vonderstein, moonbeam, terrano, williamson, worthington

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