Strangetown Round 2: Specter + LFT, Shifting Paradymes

Jun 05, 2013 00:17

Warnings: Many pictures, woohoo, talk of woohoo, crappy English, probably some typos.

La Fiesta Tech: Shifting Paradymes, first semester second year:

Gunnar will soon graduate now, and would like to end his college years in an ultimate way.

Gunnar gets a smaller new makeover, since I somehow managed to delete both his clothes and the facial hair he was wearing.

Zoe and Jasmine are as much in love as always :)

Gunnar has become unhealthily obsessed with the new exercise bike and uses it all the time - regardless of his other motives.

Dead tired Gunnar eventually starts to realise he just wasted 4 hours on the bike instead of romancing girls. That realization makes him feel really depressed...

That night Gunnar obviously has horrible nightmares! :p

And guess what Gunnar does first thing the following morning? Uses the damned exercise bike, of course!

Seriously Gunnar? Are you suicidal?
(I have had sims who killed themselfes by autonomously using the exercise bike and Gunnar would have done that too if I didn't stop him! )

Later that day after taking care of his motives, Gunnar invites DJ Vers over.

Hey - she's engaged, Gunnar!
Gunnar: I don't care - free love for everyone is what I say! Besides, it's actually thanks to me that she even likes guys now!

Zoe: I totally think Gunnar will try and seduce Mickey at some point... And now when I think of it, they'd actually be pretty cute together!
Jasmine: First of all; that would just be so horrible towards Frances, who have been so kind to Mickey all the time. Furthermore, I can't see Gunnar "being cute" - not with anyone!

Freshly woohoo'd Gunnar, who is on the second floor desperately trying to fix the shower, luckily can't hear the conversation downstairs.

Please be careful with that thing, Zoe - Gunnar almost killed himself with it yesterday!
Zoe: Oh, but I'm waaaay smarter than Gunnar, so you have nothing to worry about!

In my mind Gunnar has always been the drummer of the Shifting Paradymes, but currently he seems much more interested in playing guitarr.

Jasmine and Zoe enjoy a game of chess some hours before their final exams.

Zoe arrives back from her final exam and manged to get on Dean's List.

Jasmine gets on Dean's List too while Gunnar, despite some good intentions, merely passes.

Strangetown, Specter:

Nervous moved out from the Beakers to live with his mother at the end of the previous round...

Nervous's new bed room is a lot cozier and bright than his previous one.

It's likely because he has 0 playful points - but Nervous LOVE chess! That's actually what he autonomously does most of his time, and he seems determined to become the new chess master of Strangetown :D

Cyd is of course another thing that makes Nervous happy...

...and seeing these two makes me pretty pleased too! :)

Not surprisingly, Nervous feels ready to take the relationship to the next step.

Olive goes downtown and gets a new makeover. I have finally installed more elder female clothes!

Nervous :D

The work of the maid is very much needed...

...though Nervous kind of wish his mother had hired a hotter one... :p

Too late? Excuse me? You have hardly done anything useful during the whole day...

So the maid heads home and I realised it was finally time to do what I had to - build a moat to prevent the ghosts from turning the entire lot into a swimming pool. :D

The ghosts really don't appreciate that I rearranged their tombstones though and are extremely upset about it...

Somehow some of the ghosts are still able to cross the moat - but only the ones who don't create puddles. I'm definitely okay with that though!

Nervous wakes up after a good night's sleep - the ghosts have not yet start to bug him.

Olive is up early too to take care of the puddles - a task she's more than happy with.

The maid however, fears yet another hard day at work.

Nervous has become more and more outgoing and self-confident - luckily his mother is so pleased with that that she doesn't mind all the dirty jokes Nervous keeps telling her.

Don't scare the poor boy, mean wolf! :D

Nervous: And how the hell do you think I'll be able to reach those weeds, when they are ontop of an elevation?

The general arrives to steal the newspaper. However, considering how many newspaper Nervous and Olive have stolen, I can't really feel sorry for them... :D

The following night, Nervous invites Cyd over and asks him and Porthos to move in...

...Cyd accepts of course! :)

I was a little worried at first when it took a long time for Porthos to show up - but here he is! :D

Olive: I'm so proud of you for following my advice of starting a relationship, son! Hopefully I won't have to waite too long for a grandchild or two...

Nervous: Yeah, I'm really happy right now. And Porthos is awesome too - I have always wanted a pet!
Olive: Speaking of happiness... There is one thing that would make me really happy and for that I have invited a friend over. However, in this case I think it would be best if someone else could ask her for that favour. So if you just explain to her how much you wish for me to have a very long and healthy life, I'd be very grateful.
Nervous: Sure, no problems!

Olive's guest arrives...

...and is greeted by Olive.

Nervous does just as he was told and the vampire seems convinced.

Grand Vampire: I think you're worthy. But I still have to ask one last time: Is this what you really want?
Olive: Yes, it is! Please, turn me!

Grand Vampire: Bleh!

Olive: Bleh!

Nervous quickly bounds with his new pet Porthos.

Olive: Bleh!
Nervous: What is that even supposed to mean?
Olive: BLEH!!!

Nervous and Cyd sit down, talking about romantic things...

...and Cyd has a little surprise...

...of course Nervous accepts the proposal! :)
(and I don't think I have ever seen Nervous more happy in my game! <3 )

I think I heard a little lullaby, which would be exciting news!

Even if she would never had bought a pet personally, Olive quickly realizes Porthos will make a good friend.

For the first time in her life, Olive goes to sleep in her new light proof coffin.

And we end with a look at everyone's relationships panels:

Olive (who actually met a three-bolter earlier this round!)




La Fiesta Tech: Shifting Paradymes, second semester second year:

Jasmine is also pretty obsessed with the exercise bike, but so far both the girls really seem to use it smarter than Gunnar.

The poor Professor has gotten stone cold by ringing the bell for hours...

Gunnar feels like he has too few lovers ("only" 3) and invites a downtownie over..

He is attempts of seducing this woman are quite successful...

...until his 3 nice points tell him all these pleasantries are starting to become a bit too much.

Gunnar: What!? I've been romancing her for hours now! I just wanted to make out!
Me: Nothing's free, Gunnar. If you really want all these make outs, you'll have to work for them!

Reluctantly Gunnar continues...

...until he finally gets what he wanted! :D

I think I was wrong when I said the girls are smarter than Gunnar with the bike... Jasmine too has started to neglect her motives, which made me finally realise I had to sell the bike for the sake of their security. :D

First thing in the morning, Gunnar invites the downtownie over again. This time he refuses to waste time on pleasantries and jumps stright into action! :D

Jasmine: So honestly Gunnar... How many sims have you woohoo'd now?
Gunnar: Well, actually only 4 so far... Please don't tell anyone that, cause I'm working really hard on improving the stats!

The next day Gunnar invites Mickey Dosser over...

...because he feels like testing something completely new...

Gunnar: Let's do it! You won't regret it - I'm already a living legend in this area!
Mickey: If you say so...

Gunnar was merely interested in experimenting and improving his "woohoo-stats". Mickey, contrary to what Gunnar said, is already full of regret. Partly because he did enjoy it...

The bell-ringing Professor is still cold. :D

Zoe can't continue her cooking as she feels a strong need to watch the fight between the Llama Mascot and the Cow Mascot. The shy Jasmine has already left the room and the omelete on the stove...

Not surprisingly, the Llama Mascot wins

Gunnar: Do you really think one has to be in love with someone in order to woohoo?
Llama Mascot: I guess so, but I'm not entirely sure as I have never ever been in love, kissed or woohooed anyone.
Gunnar: Maybe you could do all that if you just stopped singing that annoying song all the time?
Llama Mascot: Maybe, now kindly stop bugging me.

Zoe arrives back from her final exam. Judging from her facial expression she did well :)

An hour later Gunnar and Jasmine arrives too. Jasmine got on Dean's List, while Gunnar just passed. Enough to graduate though!

Gunnar becomes an adult...

...and gets a small free makeover before he leaves La Fiesta Tech for good.

Gunnar moves in with his lover Chloe. And now you guys know Strangetown is called "Uddaholm" in Swedish! xD

And we end with a look at everyone's relationships:





And this was it for round 2!

I think Olive makes sense as a vampire, since to me immortality has always been what she wanted. This will also give her an opportunity to fulfill her LTW of maxing all skills as well as helping Nervous and Cyd raise their future children. I was not ready to let go of her yet either - despite all of her newspaper stealing I really appricate her precense in Strangetown!

I have decided to continue my updating over at Tumblr. Might seem like a surprising decision since I've always said I prefer LJ. But I find that i takes too much time for me to post these entries here, while it goes really fast and easy at Tumblr. Even though I've been inactive on Tumblr lately, I've regulary checked my dashboard and liked posts. And since I was pretty active there some months ago I now feel comfortable enough with how things work there. That being said, I still intend to post at least one big summary here per round, and in my Strangetown index I'll try and post links to all Tumblr updates. So the next time I post anything from Strangetown here will likely be when it's time to sum up round 3. I think I'll post 5-10 important pictures per family/household in the summaries, so they will still be huge - just less frequent obviously. All my future creations will be posted here as well!

Thanks for reading! :)

strangetown: la fiesta tech, roque, subject, specter, zimmerman, strangetown, rai, roseland

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