Whisper Fairy Stories 'Til They're Real...

Jan 10, 2013 13:24

So, you've been given a gift that you neither want or need and, perhaps more importantly, it is not your style or something you like.  Do you:

(a)  Keep it.  After all, it was a gift and someone gave it to you.
(b)  Discard it immediately or regift it as soon as you can.  Discarding in this case can mean throw it in the trash or give it to a secondhand store.
(c)  Keep it for a certain period of time and then discard it.

I usually go with (c) though I did go with (b) on a gift last month that I had obtained during a free-for-all gift grab at the staff Xmas party.  I gave it to a person who really wanted it so that worked out quite well.

I've been pondering this since I started clutter clearing.  Also, I had been given a gift recently that is so very much not my style and not something I would normally use.  I've considered going with (c) and then I'll either see if someone I know would appreciate it more or simply give it to Goodwill.  I'll probably keep it a couple of months and then give it away just because it doesn't take up space and I like the person who gave it to me.  I'm curious though what other people's practices are for this scenario.

I'm home sick today.  I feel so bad calling in sick, especially since it's only 10 days into the new year.  I had to leave work early yesterday to go to the doctor.  3 times yesterday, the right side of my face went numb and I had ringing in that ear.  In-between those incidents, I would feel off-kilter, nauseous, and like I could vomit.  My doctor, whom I absolutely adore, thinks it is probably just a sinus infection that's gone too far.  I get sinus infections all the friggin' time and because I get them so often, I don't even notice them until I start getting pressure headaches or vertigo.  If the facial numbing continues or gets worse, she'll order an emergency CT scan of my head.  I'm now taking sinus pills and, thankfully, I haven't had any facial numbing today.  However, my ears continue to have moments of high pitch ringing, pressure like they could pop, and then I feel nauseous and off-kilter, like I could be dizzy if I move the wrong way, and pressure between my eyes.  Hopefully this stops soon because, like everyone, I fucking hate being sick.  I'm going for a massage today because my neck and upper back have been killing me.  I'm going to ask if she can maybe rub my face a bit to help alleviate pressure.

I ordered a new winter coat which should be arriving in the mail today provided the mail person actually brings it to the house instead of just taking it to the post office like they usually do.  I ordered it from Mountain Equipment Co-Op.  While my winter coat is pretty good, it's too short (it stops at the top of my butt).  Also, it's not vegan.  So this new one I ordered was on sale (YAY!), is made with synthetic fibres, and is longer.  It has good reviews online from fellow Winnipeggers who know what -40*C is like.  Here's hoping it fits properly.  With my old coat, I might try to sell it on Kijiji or I'll just give it away.

health, clutter, winnipeg, work, products, weather, vegan

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