I Got A Molotov Cocktail With A Match To Go...

Oct 07, 2011 18:36

I'm pretty sure I have a cavity, again, on the same fucking tooth that always gets cavities (my top right molar at the very back). Literally, almost the entire tooth is just a filling at this point. I've asked before to have it removed or capped, but no one has done anything except do filling after filling after filling. *sigh* I really don't feel like going to the dentist on my holidays this coming week so...we'll see how long I feel I can put it off for, haha.

This week without Andrew hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The only thing that's really bothered me is having to do all the care of the animals by myself, especially walking the dogs. I get a bit overwhelmed walking the 2 of them when they get all worked up over seeing someone or another dog. Oh, and being sick didn't help. On my drive home Tuesday night, I had a dizzy spell. :( It was scary and I thought I should pull over but, thankfully, I hit a red light. It has to be a sinus infection, yet again, because I don't even know I have them until I get dizzy spells. *sigh* So, I got sinus meds and took the day off on Wednesday to rest. No point in driving or taking the bus and risk barfing on the ride. I still felt a bit queasy yesterday, so I got some homeopathic motion sickness/anti-nausea capsules from Vita Health and they seem to be helping. The pressure in my sinuses is slowly releasing so hopefully I start feeling way better by Sunday (Thanksgiving dinner).

Remember when I said I thought our warm weather streak was over? How wrong I've been! This week has been beautiful temperature wise (over +20*C, even up to +31*C!), but it's also been really fucking windy. Like right now, there are wind gusts of 54km/hr. Crazy-pants!

Today at work, a van of Native guys pulled into our parking lot to drink. I wish I was kidding. One of them then started peeking into people's cars and into one of the offices. *sigh* I called the police non-emergency line. Thankfully, they left after awhile (I thought I saw an older guy walk up to them). We went outside to see that they hadn't gone to another side of the building. I saw in our parking lot a bottle of wine taken out of our recycling. I took it to put it back in the recycling and, behold, someone was using it to practice the fine art of Molotov cocktails. *double sigh* The rag was quite singed, but it obviously wasn't successful because the bottle was still in tact. I'm guessing there either wasn't enough liquid in it or maybe they didn't have the bright idea that you have to, you know, actually throw it and shatter the glass to actually have something happen.

health, dogs, winnipeg, work, weather

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