But I Never Saw The Good Side Of A City...

Oct 15, 2011 13:29

Well, since my holidays are rapidly drawing to a close, I guess I could take a few moments to blog. *le sigh*

Last Saturday, I was to meet with a friend I went to school with for lunch. I made it very clear to him that I had an appt on Corydon with Sue Berard (spiritual reading...hippie stuff, ya know ;)) at 11:00 and he was aware that I do not have a BlackBerry or any type of data phone. Ergo, if one needs to get a hold of me, it's via texting or actually calling my cell. I told him I'd meet him for sushi in the Village at 12:30 though he said he may not be there 'til 1:00. Anyway, I heard nothing further so I went to my appt and headed to the Village. I left a voicemail message for him and said I was there and would kill some time waiting in case he wouldn't be there 'til 1:00. Well, 1:00 came and went and he didn't show. I ordered my sushi, read my Kobo, then headed home quite pissed off. Standing someone up is BALLS, nevermind someone who's supposed to be your friend. I open my e-mail at home and see the dink Facebooked me at 10:40 saying he wouldn't be there. What. the. FUCK?! I went off on him a bit and he later drunk Facebook messaged me some nonsense to which I never replied. Needless to say, I will be hesitant to ever set something up with him again.

Sunday was Thanksgiving dinner out at my aunty's house. Quite the gathering of people and it was very nice to see everyone. I bought 3 large prints of close-up shots of fruit (oranges, kiwis, and oranges with kiwis) from one of my cousins and my Dad gave me a bunch of grouse feathers he had for my jewellery making. The print variations on the feathers are really beautiful. I opened the baggie last night the feathers were in and it totally smelled of death. *lol* I'm guessing there might be some blood and/or skin still on some of the feathers. I'll have to dry heat them.

I picked up Andrew from the airport at 5 a.m. on Monday. It was nice to have him home though I was getting used to being the only human here, hahaha.

Tuesday, we took Romeo to his acupuncture appt. The vet is very happy with his muscle development and she gave us new exercises to do with him. Our little trooper. <3 After that, I popped into Radiance on Corydon and got a few gemstones and oracle cards. I've always been into gemstones and rocks for as long as I can remember.

The rest of the week was spent just all around relaxing and resting. Oh, and we've both been sick. Ugh! Just a really gnarly cold but one night I was hot, cold, achey and then the next night Andrew had that. So now we're in the snotty part of it, hahaha. I tackled the big challenge of cleaning up the office and I think I did a pretty good job. I managed to fill a blue recycling bin full of papers and such that we no longer needed and I organized some things (such as mounting a wall bracket to put the steam cleaner on). Now I don't feel totally gross being in the office - yay!

Oh, we took the dogs to La Barriere Park a few times this week and they just love it. It's so nice to let them sniff around so many smells and we can let them run a bit without worrying too much of one of them *coughMiacough* bolting. I'm hoping we'll take them today for a bit. We would have stayed longer the other day, but it was surprisingly chilly.

We went to Fabricland to get some fabric to make these no-sew blinds. However, Fabricland kinda sucks. The one fabric I liked, which was on sale, did not have as much fabric as I needed. Everything else was really pricey and we'd be better off just buying blinds. *le sigh* So, this project will wait for the time being. Maybe I'll order some fabric online.

Yesterday, Andrew and I went to get our tarot cards read by this old woman named Katerina. She's awesome. Truly. I went to her 8.5 years ago and my Mom and sister have also each gone to her a couple of times. She's straight-off-the-boat Eastern European so she has the perfect gypsy accent for card reading and she's not one to bullshit you to make you happy. I really like her. She said my reading would be super fast (and it was) because I'm very open and intuitive whereas Andrew was a bit of a challenge for her because he was like "I don't know about this". He ended up liking it, and her, so that made me happy.

I think today, if Andrew gets up any time soon, we'll head to the farmers' market and then to Home Depot to check out weather stripping. We really need to get new weather stripping for around our door. Last year, you could occasionally see the cold draught wafting in from outside. Not awesome at all. Anyway, then tomorrow, I'd like to go to the Body, Mind & Spirit Show for a bit. I don't think anyone would go with me so it'd probably be a quick trip for me. Then later in the afternoon, we have family photos with my immediate family.

All in all, a good week that I wish was longer.

craft, spiritual, health, dogs, anger, family

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