He Ate My Heart...

Jul 07, 2011 16:02

Oh, Holly-days. How I wish you would never end.

Monday morning, I had my dentist appointment to check out my upper left wisdom tooth which was already half grown out. X-rays showed it was growing in straight and my right one was still a bit too high to take out. The dentist asked if my left one was bothering me at all and I said yes, and I noticed my top teeth had shifted so she agreed to remove it. Luckily for me, she had time that afternoon so I went back to have it taken out. I've never been sedated for dental work, not even for having my 2 bottom wisdom teeth pulled (neither of which had broken through), so this was no exception. However, this was worse than my bottom ones. This bugger just would not budge! It didn't hurt nor was there discomfort, but I sure felt bad for the dentist. She had to drill holes into the tooth to pull it out and it ended up breaking in 2 (the crown separated from the roots). Gong. Show. It ended up taking an hour and it's a good thing it didn't take any longer as the freezing was wearing off and I felt the last suture going in. *lol* 3 down, 1 to go. It hurt a little bit on Tuesday to open my jaw wide, but that was about it. It's just itchy today.

Oh, and I realized it must be awkward for women dentists because she kept telling me to turn my head towards her so I was practically motor-boating her and then she was at the top of my head so I had her tits as a hat. Andrew suggested we open a dental practice specializing in topless dentistry. *lol*

We went and saw the third Transformers movie on Monday night. It was okay. It's like every one of those movies have the same fight scenes in them, but at least with this one they slowed it down a bit so you could see what was happening. It was better than the second one, but I still dozed off briefly as my tummy hurt. Also, killing off Starscream?! What the hell! Not cool.

Tuesday, Romeo had an acupuncture appointment so it was my first time seeing it done. The vet is very nice, very chatty and thorough, and mentioned penis 2 or 3 times. O.o She showed us ways to motivate and manipulate Romeo to do more advanced exercises and she's happy with how his muscles are redeveloping. Hooray!

Speaking of the dogs, I realized last night that Mia ate my earskins! >.< WTF?!?!?!??!?!

Yesterday, I went to the farmers' market with a friend. The Wednesday set up is smaller than the Saturday one, but we didn't leave empty handed. I got some soy wax melts, another beautiful hanging flower basket, and oregano and basil (to plant). We wanted to get strawberries, but some of the prices were a bit crazy. So, we decided to save ourselves a few bucks and headed to Grenkow's U-Pick and did our own strawberry picking. I haven't gone strawberry picking since I was a kid and with it being 2 of us, we filled our 4 litre box in no time. We divided it between us so $4.50 for 2 litres of strawberries is a pretty effing sweet deal if you ask me.

Today has been a mellow day. I spent some time out in the sun reading The Vampire Lestat to try and even out my tan lines (due to biking, my arms are very dark) at least a little bit. I did some gardening and I just finished baking some bran muffins and I'm going to try making bagels. Wish me luck!

manitoba, health, books, bicycle, dogs, food, winnipeg, products, vegan, natural, vacation, stretched ears, garden

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