MB to SK to MB again...

Jun 05, 2011 19:37

Some awesome moments from yesterday's Winnipeg to Saskatoon, back to Winnipeg road trip...

"Scintillating" Sintaluta, Saskatchewan (seriously, it's a real town though we couldn't verify if it was scintillating)


Andrew - Was that snow or am I hallucinating from lack of sleep?
Me - It was a big rain drop.

*a few moments later*

"It is fucking snowing!" This was just outside White City...how appropriate.


Couple of people bicycling down the highway with what looked like their whole lives packed up and mounted on their bikes.


Carry The Kettle Indian Reserve (seriously). We think they should team up with Manitoba's Hoop and Holler Bend.

Trying to figure out how the reserve became Carry The Kettle, we figured some whitey asked the name of the reserve and the Native got distracted by yelling at a woman, "Carry the kettle!" Whitey assumed that was the answer to his question.


Me - I thought this was the Qu'Appelle scenic route because the signs are everywhere.
Andrew - If this is the scenic route, holy fuck, I'd hate to see the NON-scenic route. "Come here to be bored out of your fucking mind on this 'scenic' route!"

It probably wasn't the scenic route. :P If time wasn't of the essence, we would have checked that out.


Regina radio making fun of Winnipeg saying we're the perfect example of urban decay. Coming from Regina, that's something.


Regina radio saying Manitoba Moose is an appropriate name for our hockey team because "your women are horny and similar in frame". Okay, that was pretty funny. But, again, coming from Regina... Don't be jealous we have an NHL team and you don't, guys.


We stopped for gas in Bethune, SK. The gas station attendant was very nice and had no problem with Andrew bringing Mia into the station while he paid and I used the washroom. While we were driving down a side road to get back to the highway, some guy waved so Andrew waved back.

Andrew - Man, people are fucking friendly around here!
Me - Should that be their town slogan? "We're fuckin' friendly."
Andrew - Saskatchewan, fuckin' friendly (except Regina).


Saskatoon is a very beautiful city. Seriously.


Some dirt road we took the dogs to pee on and another guy waves so Andrew waves again (how is it that I missed each wave?).

Andrew - People in small towns are fuckin' friendly!


Losing count of how many times we said, "That's a lotta water!" When going through places suffering from flooding.


Mia trying to climb over the back of the driver's seat to sit on Andrew's lap while he was driving.

manitoba, dogs, funny, travel

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