I'm On The Right Track, Baby...

Mar 07, 2011 17:52

Lately, I've been having this urge to get back into hot yoga. It was something I really loved doing...until the incident. Let me explain...

I did...excuse me, ANNHILATED a 30 day hot yoga challenge back in '06. Prior to that, I had been going to classes every Saturday. Anyway, after the challenge, I took a couple of weeks off because it was very emotionally trying for me (you have no idea how much emotional toxins we build up and stuff back into our bodies - doing that much yoga releases that garbage) and I had badly pulled a hamstring about 5 or so days before finishing. My last class I ever went to was on a Saturday morning so the room wasn't full. There was plenty of mat space for everyone. So, of course, a newbie decided to set herself up right next to me. She kept wobbling and nearly falling onto my mat/against me. I kept saying to her that if she couldn't lock her leg out then she should simply put her foot down and reset herself. There is no shame in that, especially since you're not impressing anybody. I was lying down for a position and, sure enough, fucking newbie fell on me, tenting her arm over me so her sweat dripped on me. She apologized and apologized again after the class, but I would hear none of it because I was so mad after the instructor and I both told her this fucking thing would happen. I didn't go again after that.

I'm doing My Yoga Online at home and, in fact, I do about 10 mins of yoga after my gym workouts as my cool down. But it's not the same as doing hot yoga.

Plus, I'm not going to lie, I was on my way to getting a fucking killer body during the 30 day challenge. Not that that's the be all and end all for me since I've already expressed that I want to workout for the sake of enjoying it and being healthy. It's just a bit of an incentive, that's all, since you build up lean muscle and increase flexibility.

I feel like I'd have to choose one or the other (gym or hot yoga) due to the cost. I'm in a one year contract with my gym membership but have the option of buying out of it for about $100. I suppose the best option would be to go to a few hot yoga classes and see if it is what I want to do before making any big decision. Or, as Andrew said, go once a week or a couple of times a month to change up my exercise routine. I could also wait until November when my gym membership contract is up and then decide if I'd want to do a one year unlimited classes membership with hot yoga. I should add that my intention would be to do hot yoga as often as I presently go to the gym (4 - 5 days per week). I noticed that they changed the schedule since the last time I went and that kind of sucks as classes don't start until 6:00 p.m. on weekdays so I'd have to dillydally after work for over half an hour then not get home 'til about 8:00 p.m.

Decisions, decisions! (and money, money)

Oh, I attempted that shirt-to-panties tutorial and failed miserably. :( What a waste of several hours and material. I went to Value Village yesterday and snagged a pair of camo pants (which was my goal :)), a men's rainbow plaid button-up shirt, and a men's red shirt. The shirts will be reconstructed. I redid the plaid shirt yesterday but, sadly, I forgot to allow more shoulder room in button-up shirts. Oh, well. It's just a big snug in the shoulders so no big arm movements for me, hahahaha.

health, yoga, sewing

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