An interesting story about the lack of reproductive rights of women in the '60s. I have to ask though: Have we come a long way? Yes, in that it is no longer illegal to perform abortions nor should it ever be illegal. But what about when it comes to pregnancy prevention and the reproductive rights involved with that? I remember before Plan B was over the counter you would had to struggle to find a doctor to prescribe it. A lot of doctors refused to do so for some reason even though it's essentially just a high dose of birth control. I've read articles about US doctors and/or pharmacists who refuse to dispense birth control due to their religious convictions. I have to ask: WTF?! Or what about the fact that so many doctors are opposed to performing
tubal litigation especially if women are unmarried, have "only" one or two kids, or just flat out do not want children? Shouldn't that be the patient's choice? Considering you have to sign a waiver form consenting to the procedure, there shouldn't be any legal issues surrounding it. It certainly seems that it's significantly easier for men to get vasectomies regardless of relationship status or how many children, or lack thereof, they have. Gender bias much? Women are treated as baby making machines even if they are not qualified (admittedly or otherwise) to take care of children. I've heard/read so many horror stories of women of different ages begging, pleading with their doctors to tie their tubes only for the doctors to say "you might change your mind", "you might meet a different man who wants more children", etc. All those deserve a gigantic WTF?!
Yes, I do understand that some people change their minds (I know I've flip-flopped on my feelings in the past). However, if you've done your research, given it some serious thought, and you're willing to commit to being sterilized, then I don't believe a doctor should have the right to stand in your way regardless of his/her feelings. As I said, you have to sign a pretty solid waiver form consenting to it so there should be no negative legal ramifications to the doctor for doing their job.
My hair is driving me crazy. It's too long for me to do anything with it that I'd love. :( I'm having to grow it out all shaggy like for my hair modelling commitment...which is in a month! Gah! I don't know how much more I can take!