Jan 28, 2009 20:59
Randomly enough, I feel like posting. I haven't in forever.
Life is fairly good right now. Work is going ok. Learning new things, trying to be as productive as possible. Thankfully, business has picked up after the inadvertent week and a half vacation around the holidays because of the massive snow storm. Work was so slow that I actually got out of practice. I had a bit of trouble when I had to run five gels the other day. I'm about to get back up to speed, I think.
Home life is doing well, also. I've been working on getting the apartment clean. It's coming along. I just need to get off my duff and finish it up. I wanted to have a holiday party, but didn't get the apartment clean in time. Perhaps I'll throw a "just because" party.
I'm feeling inexplicably grumpy tonight, though. I actually had energy when I got home, which is a change. I got some cleaning done before Harrison got home. Then we went to the mall (Harrison wanted to pick up the new Pirate lego set) and I suddenly found myself completely out of sorts. I wanted something for myself, but I didn't see anything that was an appropriate impulse buy, and nothing on my serious wish list can be purchased at the mall. Neither the fact that my rosemary tree appears to be in the process of dying (drat my brown thumb.... great with animals, but I can't take care of a plant to save my life) or the fact that Trinket was being a particular pain tonight didn't help my mood. Writing about bad moods generally helps me though. It forces me to put into words what's bothering me, which usually leads to me realizing just how pointless and silly the things I'm letting get to me actually are. Here, for example, is the general gist of my thoughts after reading tonight's entry:
So, you're upset because Harrison got a new toy and you didn't? And the plant you weren't taking proper care of (rosemary needs lots of water and light, both of which you were forgetting to give it, silly kitty) is dying? And Trinket is being a pain (and when is she not?) Poor kitty. Youve had worse days.
On the upside, though. I'm pretty happy so far with the new administration. I'm trying not to set my expectations TOO high, especially during the beginning, when he's just figuring things out. I am, however, impressed that he's working to close Guantanamo already, and that he's going to post every executive order online(for commenting) before he signs it, and also that he's going to post a video blog every Saturday. A president who actually cares about transparency! How novel!
Anyway, I should go. I'm feeling better, and I'm ready to do something else now. Sometimes I'm so weird....