Last Night

Oct 31, 2004 16:52

First off, let me say this. Calvin and I had a fucking party last night. My parents are out of town this weekend until about 3 hours from now. I have a babysitter here, who is absolutely awesome, and doesn't care what we do. So Calvin and I wait until she goes to bed, and then we take the BMW 745i out for a little road test. We were out for about 3 hours of drive time, from 12:30 until 4:00...(some was down time in between the about 8 times we went out). Anyways, Calvin and I got the car up past 110 about 6 times, we got some sweet footage, and Calvin is gonna put together a video of the highlights. I also learned how to burn out last night, and how to power drift (unintentionally). That was fucking scary. Anyways, if people go to Terwilliger down by my house, there are no cops there at 3:00 am. If you really want to know more, let me know, I might have copies of the video, or maybe able to email it to people? We'll see.
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