Addendum to previous post re:scans_daily

Feb 28, 2009 20:20

Kathleen David has informed the mod team that she and Peter David have gotten lots of very nasty e-mails regarding their involvement in scans_daily being suspended, namely, blaming them for it all. Now, I'm semi-agnostic on this issue given that a) the various accounts on how this happened are somewhat tangled; b) realistically, the suspension would have happened eventually, sooner or later; c) there are multiple parties who might (or might not) have been able to prevent this by taking different actions - myself amongst them. I don't think dumping it all on one person is a good way to move on from here.

Between that, and, well, basic courtesy, I'm asking all of you who consider yourselves scans_daily members to cut it out. It's just not cool. Besides which, I should point out that the LJ account through which PAD has been commenting on LJ is actually his wife Kathleen's, and not only has she been entirely uninvolved in all this, but she's expressed a hope that we can get our community back.

Please also remember that ironically, scans_daily's membership is getting more scrutiny after the comm's suspension than it has in a while, and whether any of us like it or not, what you say as a scans_daily member reflects on the rest of the community.

In sum, please don't be a jerk to the Davids or anyone else. And please link this around where your fellow members can read it.
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