Begin Journal Writing Activity

Apr 06, 2014 21:40

Clear, 8C (3C)

07h00 : I woke up, it took longer than usual getting out of bed, checked my email, brushed my teeth, my stomach was also quite upset from some beef burgers I had yesterday (Japanese beef and therefore extraordinarily fatty... glad that was the end of them) etc
08h00 : I made breakfast (oatmeal), called my mom, and got dressed
09h00 : I was out the door, on the way to my lesson
10h00 : I was teaching, my student wanted to check some supplemental work I gave him and also a speech he's giving next week
11h00 : My student was tired, so he chose to end class a little early and I headed home.
12h00 : I made and ate lunch--some small-chopped chicken breast and mixed vegetable (mainly sprouts) stir-fried
13h00 : I shopped online for some American OTC drugs--Pepto Bismol, Advil, and TUMS
14h00 : I completed a Lift program for counting the omer
15h00 : I did some random other surfing and email handing, I also applied the Hebrew keyboard layout stickers to my new laptop keyboard
16h00 : I felt unsatisfied with lunch so I ordered some pizza for dinner and had it early--I watched Time Team while I ate and checked my archaeology grade
17h00 : I looked for work and worked on the class on Happiness and Judaism I took with Jerusalem U
18h00 : I finished all the lectures, homework, and tests for the Happiness and Judaism class
19h00 : I had my IvritTalk reading session and did homework for my Hebrew class, checked my email once more
20h00 : I had my Hebrew class
21h00 : Hebrew class ran over, after which I applied for an elementary teaching position in the US and started checking off my Lift lists, hopefully I'll finish by the top of the hour
22h00 : I plan to read--probably Grain Brain and Jewish Meditation
23h00 : I plan to sleep
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