The Saga Continues

Mar 21, 2014 08:50

Partly sunny, 12C (7C)

I am a miserable wretch. I have been rejected too much, and now I cannot stop feeling sorry for myself.

I need to go home, but I have no home to go to, etc.

Ix did decide to come to Japan. And now he's decided to leave again. I know I should derive some happiness from the surety of this demonstration that he is not, in fact, my partner. But I had hoped. And it still hurts. I thought I was a pretty good deal.

Just like at work I thought I was doing a good job, and in my applications I thought I was a good candidate.

My life has gone disastrously wrong. And I'm not enjoying Tokyo. And I can't do what I do enjoy because I'm so busy working. But somehow not saving money to actually get out of Dodge. Well, I am saving some--but I feel like I should be saving more.

God help me; at least Spring is near, and that generally lifts the mood... Shabbat shalom.
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