Week 3
Dayshift 59
Remaining too sick to wake up, Sechs remains unconscious throughout the day until just before dinner, where he gets the chance to review the message board and join a plan to infiltrate the basement. Unbeknownst to him and the rest of the institute population, the night that was coming would be far from a forgettable one...
Bulletin Board
"To the
Nightshift 59
As soon as night begins, all hell breaks loose with the sound of alarms and the return of everyone's
powers! Overjoyed by the restoration of his abilities, Sechs wastes no time to take advantage of it and joins the
riots, destroying a pack of
Necrits and slicing up a
monstrous cat with little effort. Nearly forgetting his plans to meet up with Utena for the rendezvous into the basement, Sechs finds his allies and makes a
grand entrance with a powerful attack against a Lurcher.
Dayshift 58
Sechs wakes up the next morning with little memory of his ordeal the night before. He can only recall the moments before his M-U side-effects knocked him unconscious, and he becomes terribly sick before he is escorted to the cafeteria for breakfast. Unable to eat, Sechs frets over the state of his arm and Ritsuka until he has a chat with
The Doctor. Just as the worst of his nausea calms down, Sechs is suddenly dragged off to an unknown office where he meets
General Berg for a conversation that takes a turn for the worst. Things don't get much better once Sechs finds a grieved
Aigis during lunch, and his worst fears are later confirmed by from
Ritsuka. Reeling from the news that he had lost control of himself and nearly killed Ritsuka, Sechs grows terribly ill during
dinner later that evening. What if the poison he drank leaves him vulnerable to possession again...?
Bulletin Board
"My opinion of the military's free drugs:
Really worried over
Contacting a fellow
military's been doing what now?!"
Nightshift 58
Too sick to stay awake this time...
Dayshift 57
The following morning, Sechs finds Kibitoshin in the
Chapel, and struggles to do one of the hardest things he has ever done: apologize. Sechs keeps to himself for the rest of the day, agitated by the military's incognito presence and the lack of any visitors for him.
Dinner comes around and Sechs' appetite isn't helped by the same pink gruel.
Bulletin Board
Radio guy sucks!"
Nightshift 57
A new
challenge is issued by the new Head of the institute. As he heads out for another
night, Sechs is torn over the General's suggestions of trying the military's drugs in the infirmary. Sechs has lost his trust in the Radio man, and the idea of trying unknown medicine offered by the military leaves Sechs feeling lost. However, a spark of
hope pops up for Sechs -- What if the drugs could cure him of his M-U effects? With his decision made, Sechs makes his way to the Infirmary, but
bumps into another patient who happens to have the ears and tail of a cat. Once the panic and annoyance between them calms down, Sechs learns that his new comrade is heading for the Infirmary as well, and they decide to go
together. They safely reach the
Medical Wing, and search the
hall until they find the
Infirmary. They reach the various pills and tonics that the military had left for them. Influenced by his desperation to end his M-U effects, Sechs takes a vial and drinks it, despite his companion's protest. When nothing seems to happen, Sechs grows frustrated and
moves on, having agreed to help Ritsuka find medical supplies. Once they find the General Storage room, Sechs begins to feel something terribly wrong going on with his right side. Before he knows it, the concoction he drank rapidly decays his arm and gives
full power to the drug in his back. Sechs loses complete control of himself, his awareness smothered by the parasite in his body, and he attacks Ritsuka with murderous glee...
Dayshift 56
It's field trip day again, and this time the military go incognito as regular institute staff and credit cards are assigned to the patients. However, it doesn't change the fact that escape is nearly impossible and help from the townspeople is hard to come by. Sechs starts the day by visiting the
Hardware store, and runs into a fellow battle android. Failing to buy dangerous goods with his credit, Sechs is at least uplifted by his conversation with Aigis and he moves on to the Tasty Burger to put his allowance to
good use, meeting a patient named Michelangelo as well. When the day comes to a close, Sechs is forced through an unpleasant pat-down before being allowed into one of the
buses. Disgruntled and cold, Sechs manages to strike up a conversation with his seatmate as they're taken back to the institute.
Dinner proves to be far better for Sechs than the evening before, determined to stay awake and make the best out of the night ahead of him.
Bulletin Board
Nightshift 56
guilt over Kibitoshin is taken advantage of by the drug, but he is determined to make the best of the night. It isn't long before he runs into
Aigis, and their journey through the institute is interrupted by the last person they ever want to hear on Sechs'
Dayshift 55
Exhausted from the near fatal night before, Sechs is lucky to sleep through the military takeover of the morning, but when he does, he finds an infuriating surprise in the
Courtyard and flies into a fight against the soldiers. No thanks to the after-effects of his M-U and the overwhelming opposition from the military, Sechs is subdued and punished, unable to sit or eat throughout the rest of the day. By the evening, the Replica is completely worn out and
falls asleep during dinner, a nap which turns into an all-night slumber instead.
Bulletin Board
Checking up on allies and friends.
"You bet your ASS it does!" "Lost my roommate..." Nightshift 55
Slept in...
Week 2
Dayshift 54
Having survived his fight with Recluse, Sechs feels his fighting spirit had gained a much needed boost. The military presence that arrived overnight dominates the scene when Sechs arrives in the cafeteria for breakfast. There he encounters a fellow
battle android, but their conversation is cut short by a sudden food fight that quickly explodes into a violent riot, ending in tear gas and a trip to one of the
solitary cells. By lunch Sechs was finally released back into the cafeteria for lunch and his foul mood gets somewhat
lifted by his table mate. Such cheering up does not last however, as Sechs later learns from the message board that his friend Forte had gone missing. Struggling to deal with the news, Sechs is encountered by another patient who
recognizes him as one of the brainwashed guards one night ago. Shortly after, Sechs witnesses an impossible scene: the military announces complete dominance over the institute, and Dr. Landel himself is
ousted by the soldiers in the sun room. Sechs is later dragged back to his room where he
recounts the scene to his roommate, torn between excitement and dread over the sudden changes to the institute...
Bulletin Board
"Yep! The
fight went alright!"
"Where the HELL are you
Giving an
intro to someone with long magical hair a newbie.
Checking up on Aigis and getting
nagged at by Kibitoshin. Hard feelings commence!
Nightshift 54
Once his roommate Sai leaves with another friend, Sechs is left to himself in his room. Sechs is
troubled over the events of the day, but the drug in his back returns at full force to remind him of Forte's disappearance. The Replica bends to the grief of his loss and succumbs to his bitterness towards Kibitoshin. Despite his anger towards his friend, Sechs begrudgingly allows Kibitoshin to
follow him for the night. Sechs
storms onward, barely giving the Kaioshin a chance to keep up. They reach the
Main Hallway and go up the
stairs. Finally, Sechs' temper with Kibitoshin reaches a new peak, and the two nearly separate before they're suddenly under attack by a pack of
monsters! It is then that Sechs regrets his treatment towards his friend, and fears for his welfare...
Dayshift 53
Waking up in a daze, Sechs isn't sure if his time as a free android was real or just a dream. Once he realizes that it was real and that he had been used as a Special Counseling patient, Sechs flies into a
rage against the staff. The fight ends in sedation, followed by an emotional appointment with his
therapist. Sechs struggles to detach himself from his rage and humiliation, but during lunch he is approached by one of the patients he attacked the night before, who
challenges him to a fight to finish what was started. When Sechs is returned to his room for dinner, he is dismayed to find that he has another new roommate, and this time he's
paired with one of the patients he attacked as a brainwashed guard!
Bulletin Board
"I got
screwed over badly..."
Lay off me!"
A very angry and reluctant
"What?! How did Landel
find out about Jill?!"
Worried about
"Got a big battle
tonight. Wish me luck..."
Nightshift 53
The night brings nothing but dread for Sechs as he readies himself for his fight with Recluse. However, he is
visited by Javert once more, and their conversation turns angry and backfires against Sechs. With a load of guilt to carry with his dread, Sechs finally
leaves his room and makes his
way down the
halls until he
reaches the destined hall where his fight with
Recluse is to take place.
Dayshift 52
At the price of broken ribs and a slashed arm, Sechs survives the night with the radio man's note. Anxious to spread the new found information, Sechs starts the day with
breakfast, followed by a meeting with Kibitoshin in the
library. Sechs' pride over recovering the note is squandered when he meets up with
Javert where their interview takes a painful turn when the subject of M-U is brought up. With a deep wound reopened, the sour Replica goes to the Sun room to meet with another patient to share the note with. However, he ends up getting harassed by
Gally the kitten and Fai. Dinner comes around, but Sechs' roommate is
absent... Bulletin Board
Replying to Kibitoshin's
"Hey, I
found something pretty good last night!"
"So you were someone's
pet before or something?"
Nightshift 52
Restored to his full power but under the control of the institute, Sechs watches over the
recreational field as a brainwashed guard. Lead to believe that a powerful warrior was going to show up in the field, Sechs waits for a good battle while chasing off other patients off his turf. Unaware of what he's doing, Sechs attacks several patients, including
two youths and a group of men including one of his own
allies. Meanwhile,
Javert visits Sechs' room for the notes, but finds the place empty...
Dayshift 51
The morning after his near death experience, Sechs is woken up by the angry drug's threats. Undeterred, Sechs moves on to breakfast, but finds himself an unexpected encounter with a
new enemy made over the message board... After that violent breakfast, Sechs goes to the
showers with a bad temper and runs into a face he hadn't seen for awhile. For lunch he gets a bit of
"The Talk" with Fai. After keeping to himself in the Sun room, Sechs spends another
dinner with his new roommate.
Bulletin Board
Talks over last night's
language swap.
"We can
fight it together..."
Referred to Doctor Raine by
Nightshift 51
Sechs starts the
night off with goals of finding Alita and the doctor who tortured him. Moving from one
corridor to
another, the
drug starts to act up again before he reaches the
Main Hall. Sechs takes his chances and returns to the
second floor, but as soon as he reaches the next level, his
post-MU side effects kicks in and attempts to disable him. Using all his physical and mental strength, Sechs uses his inspiration from Kibitoshin's help and manages to fight back the drug -- for now. Cocky from his little victory, Sechs moves to a suspicious door that may lead him to his goals and attacks it with little caution. His racket attracts a
Lurcher, and their fight intensifies to the point that both Replica and monster
plunge off the balcony rail and crash to the Sun Room below! Now back to square one with a broken rib cage, Sechs' goals of finding Alita are discouraged when he hears a message from his radio. Deciding to add that radio man's message as another goal for the night, Sechs makes his way
out of the Sun Room, down another
hall, up the
stairs, and
back to the second floor. Using the radio's clues, Sechs goes to the
Nurse Residency hall, but finds that he isn't the only one looking for the Radio man's note. There's a brief conflict of interests, but eventually Sechs is convinced to let the strangers come with him into the
Nurse's lounge where they find the note with its shocking information.
Dayshift 50
Having slept in for the morning, Sechs wakes up to
brunch and decides to be an ass to his table mate. He continues to carry his foul mood
outside at the Recreational field, which only reaches new terrible levels at the arrival of a
visitor -- Alita herself! Or is it Alita...? The visit turns out horribly wrong and Sechs finds himself brought back into his room later after being heavily sedated. Expecting another evening to himself, Sechs is surprised by a
new roommate who turns out to be much different than the first one.
Bulletin Board
Suggestions MY ASS!"
Checking up on
hero named ALFIE is gonna save me!"
Replying to Kibitoshin's daily fret fest
check up posts.
"What ARE you
talking about?!"
Checking up on
Bickering at former roommate's friend and making positive first impressions.
Nightshift 50
After starting off a mostly positive impression with his new roomie, Sechs
enters another night, this time with some pipes to give Kibitoshin. On his way to his friend's room, Sechs is
harassed by the drug over his visitor that day. Sechs manages to reach his destination without a scratch (at least a physical one). He and Kibitoshin talk but the subject of Alita deeply bothers Sechs, and the
drug takes advantage of the situation...
Dayshift 49
Back on the bus destined for Doyleton, Sechs and Teisel talk over the freedom (or lack there of) to
travel in their separate worlds. Sechs tries to follow Teisel's advice by keeping a positive outlook, but he finds himself
brooding in the park over what happened the week before. For lunch, Sechs returns to the
Tasty Burger for the usual food but also a moment of nostalgia and a conversation with The Doctor. With the downpour of rain getting worse later that afternoon, Sechs wanders about main street until he suddenly gets
hijacked by Wally and then dragged into a nasty game of dare involving humiliating
manicures. When the buses arrive to pick up everyone, Sechs gets bugged by
Fai, but also reminded to look at the bright side of things. Back in the institute, Sechs learns that his roommate is really
gone, and he doesn't take the news too well.
Bulletin Board
"Here's a plan for tonight if things get nasty --and-- Where the HELL are you,
"Y'mean those
radios work after all?"
Nightshift 49
wakes up after a troubled nap. Recharged and ready to meet the night, Sechs travels down the
M-B hallway, into the
north West wing, then into the
south, then meets up with
Forte in the Main hall. The two robots
start off on what was supposed to be a night of exploration, but through the
first door they run into a
problem. Unsure of what they're up against, the two go back through the same door, only to end up in the
Tasty Burger instead! Realizing that they were dealing with seemingly random teleportation, the two leave the restaurant (but not before wrecking havoc in there first) and stumble into a walk-in
refrigerator. The
drug in Sechs' body acts up just as he and Forte return to the first room they were teleported into at the start of the night. After some encouragement from Forte, Sechs recovers somewhat from his dark episode, and the two try the doors again, ending up in a
meeting room, the
hardware store in Doyleton, a
doctor's office, and finally the
morgue, where the drug screws with Sechs' mind again. After all the trouble they went through, the two fighters end up back in
Sechs' room! Frustrated, they take a short break before
trying for
another door,
hoping to be led towards revenge and freedom. Yet they arrive in a
bizarre store, which they take little time to leave. The
Arts and Crafts room is next, which serves little purpose except for some burglary of the color markers. The trials and tribulations of the night seemed close to the end, when Sechs and Forte go through one last door. To their surprise and cautious joy, they find themselves in
Forte's home, but something terribly important is amiss...
Dayshift 48
breakfast comes confusion, rage and panic for Sechs. Even though Fai and Kibitoshin are safe, last night's events deeply shakes Sechs' belief in himself and worries if he'll ever be able to defeat his inner foe. Afterward, Sechs spends a gloomy time outside at the
Courtyard. When lunch comes around, Sechs reluctnatly finds himself with the same two friends he nearly killed. Last night's incident seems to be forgiven and forgotten by his allies though, and it isn't long before their conversation takes a
silly turn. During showers, Sechs takes a moment to relax his ailed body, but his pessimism
butts heads with his shower mate's optimism.
Dinner comes with the usual food and dessert, but a certain roommate doesn't show up...
Bulletin Board
I don't know what
came over me...!
What's the essential quality of a
true warrior?!
Reluctant to talk about his
Nightshift 48
With his roommate still not showing up, Sechs leaves the room after hearing the news of possible
retrials. Yet once outside, the Replica struggles to think of how to
cope with his ailment without making the same mistakes from the night before. Needing to learn as many strategies as possible, Sechs pays a visit to a certain
admiral but gets a tad more than he bargains for.
Week 1
Dayshift 47
Sechs wakes up in a cold sweat and is faced with the
side-effects of the experiment he was forced through the night before. He confronts the staff over his ordeal, but once again he is sedated and left to eat by himself during breakfast in a stupor. Sechs is later found by Kibitoshin outside at the recreational field. Sechs
struggles to explain to his concerned friend what happened but the shadow implanted inside him darkens his hopes for recovery.
Lunch doesn't prove to be terribly comforting as well. Back in the sun room, Sechs darkly broods to himself when a
kitten gets dumped on his head by a friendly patient intent on cheering him up.
Dinner comes around next and Sechs manages to keep the after effects of the experiment a secret from his roomie -- for now.
Bulletin Board
Really need someone to
talk to right now...
thanks for getting me outta there...
Yeah, yeah. I'm
fine. not really but...
Nightshift 47
Night arrives and Sechs is finally able to don his battle suit. Yet the night comes with his new inner
passenger, who is keen on harassing its host. Intent on ignoring the dark part of his mind and search out the doctor who tortured him, Sechs leaves the room and goes out into the
hall. Upon entering the
West Wing, the Replica gets stalled by the drug's next wave of illusions, but is too determined to let that stop him. He
prowls on to the next hall with painful memories closely pursuing him. In the Main Hallway, Sechs makes for the stairs to the second floor but bumps into two
allies who insist on joining him. Sechs isn't the happiest camper in the world, but in the end he lets the others follow him up the
stairs. Once on the
second floor, the drug's side-effects take another worrying phase that temporarily blinds Sechs. Despite Sechs' odd behavior, Fai and Kibitoshin help him move on in his search for the doctor, leading them to a
mysterious hallway as the first place to investigate. After hacking his way into the next corridor, the purpose of the rooms there sparks up the poison inside Sechs. It takes on full power and envelops him inside its shadow. Trapped within the drug's
illusion, the tormented Replica gets tricked into attacking his own friends...
Dayshift 46
Waking up in a rage over the unfinished fight from the night before, Sechs
blows up and vents at Kibitoshin during breakfast. Yet the Kaioshin's kindness and their newly developed friendship helps pull Sechs through his dark mood. With the worst of his rage quenched, Sechs tries to take it easy in the sun room but ends up encountering his first
alien. When lunch comes around, Forte manages to earn Sechs'
forgiveness but through the hard and painful way. After that, Sechs get dragged to an unexpected appointment with his "
therapist" and proves to be a stubborn patient. When the unbearable session finally ends, dinner arrives with the promise of revenge against his roommate. Yet once again the fight is interrupted -- but by completely unexpected
Bulletin Board
Roommate, I am going to KILL YOU!! From, Sechs"
"Hey guys! Let's meet up so I can
Checking up on friends
Nightshift 46
Dayshift 45
Along with a fully restored arm and recovering leg, the admonished Replica finds himself having an unnerving conversation with "
Todd" instead of Teisel over breakfast... Rattled and furious over the change that came over his acquaintance, Sechs finds a fellow patient who was also finding unpleasant changes in others and the both of them
rant over the problem. Next is
lunch with HK-47 while the following shift in the
Games room brings no form of entertainment for the grumpy Replica. It looked like the bad day would redeem itself when Sechs finds his
combat uniform mysteriously returned to him, but his roommate ruins the mood. A severe conflict between them explodes when his roommate attacks Sechs' most sensitive issues and reveals his real intentions behind the "truce".
Bulletin Board
faint like that on me again! Not that I'm worried about ya or anything..."
Checking up on a friend's
sanity while testing the tyranny of censorship over the board...
Nightshift 45
The fight between Sechs and his roommate Jason Todd escalates into a full blown
bloody brawl that crashes out into the hallway. When the end of the fight seems to be in Sechs' favor, the brawl is rudely interrupted, adding insult to injury for the enraged Replica.
Dayshift 44
Waking up with a bitter-sweet victory under his belt, Sechs finds fellow
android Forte and strikes up conversations of battles and weapons. When the time for
showers rolls in, Sechs discovers Kibitoshin's elusive friend. Triumphant over his findings, Sechs drags Trunks out from the showers and then dumps him on Kibitoshin's lap in the
cafeteria. All in a days work! Later during arts and crafts, Sechs ends up in an intense
clash with the staff over his attempt to restore a part of his former self. Yet his aggressive defiance gets him his first taste of the sedatives the institute uses. Later on the subdued Replica makes a less noisy entrance into his room for dinner. To his surprise his roommate offers a
truce instead of insults. A cookie is exchanged as a token of goodwill, but unbeknownst to Sechs, his roommate's so-called-truce is just a trick to use the Replica as a test subject...
Bulletin Board
"What the HELL caused that
"Of course I fought well last
break the mirror!"
Got an
appointment with Forte!
"What's with all the DAMN
Nightshift 44
With his still despised roommate gone on his own agenda for the night, Sechs waits in his room for a
visit from Dr. Kibitoshin.
Dayshift 43
Muddled up and angry as hell, Sechs hunts down and confronts the
berserker responsible for the bloody passing of Armand... For
brunch, Sechs talks with a mourning Stormtrooper. After he gets dragged outside to the
recreational field, Sechs tries to get his mind off things by practicing his fighting skills but gets interrupted. Denied another opportunity to confront the staff, Sechs tries to seek some solace in the
courtyard but gets bothered there as well. To top off Sechs' horrible day, he spends
dinner with his oh so beloved roommate.
Bulletin Board
"Yeah, yeah. I'm
fine... I think."
"That mirror
monster killed a man..."
Flan was a lie!"
Drawing stupid stuff..."
"Fine, FINE! You can tag along with me
Nightshift 43
night starts off with a vivid display of bad tempers and odd flickering walls... Sechs prowls down the hall until he
meets up with Kibitoshin. With his understandably nervous comrade by his side, Sechs returns to the washroom for a
Dayshift 42
Sechs is woken up by a nurse who looks disturbingly like someone he saved in the past. Next he's herded into the
bus where he briefly cheers himself up by bragging to his seatmate, Armand. It isn't long before their conversation revolves around a very troubling topic. Once everyone arrives in Doyleton, Sechs goes off to the
park on his own and takes his frustration out on the local wildlife. After his temper tantrum, Sechs encounters Recluse and gets revved up talking about his favorite hobby. Discovering his free lunch coupon, Sechs sets off to stuff his face at the
Tasty Burger and runs into a worried Kaioshin. Next, the Replica visits the Hardware store only to find himself under attack by Grey Goo someone's
grey hair. Lots of yelling, insults and hilarity ensues.
Bulletin Board
- "HEY! My
name is SECHS! NOT SEX!! D:<"
- "Dammit!! Only COWARDS
brainwash and control people!!"
- "No
sign of the 'Trunks' guy yet."
Nightshift 42
Spending the rest of the evening in
Morris Park, things start to get rather worrisome when all hell breaks loose and the town transforms into a music video for 'Thiller' total pandemonium. Sechs sprints towards
Main Street to relinquish weapons from the Hardware store but finds he'll have to fight his way inside. "The
Zombie Depot! You can kill them! We can help!" Better equipped for the occasion, Sechs returns to the
streets to plow down more zombies. Unfortunately, it's all fun and games for Sechs until someone he knows
loses more than just an eye...
Nightshift 41
An angry and confused Sechs
wakes up and attacks bonds with his new roommate. After having a violent brawl civilized conversation, Sechs storms off into the
hallway. Once he enters a new corridor, Sechs goes through the first door he sees and ends up in a bathroom. Not happy with this particular direction, Sechs was about to make an exit when he finds something disturbingly wrong with his face in the
mirror... After a bloody fight good time with a Mirabis, Sechs is escorted back out into the
hallway by Fai and Subaru, but things aren't looking so great in the hall either...