Day 50: Recreational Field (3rd Shift)

Jun 23, 2010 17:05

Leela was an interesting new person to meet, but now Forte was ready for the main event. He'd been wanting to fight someone or something since he was on his feet again, and now he was even more wound up. He'd been hoping to see what Scott or Sechs were like in a fight, even if they had more experience with this kind of battle than he did (unfortunately, he was just remembering that, despite what he had learned from Sheena, he had little real experience with hand-to-hand). But now some asshole that thought he was so much better than him had appeared, and Forte was ready to focus his frustration on him. Winning or losing, as long as he got to beat the crap out of him, the robot would be happy.

As he stepped out onto the field, the sun wasn't as bright as the last time, but it was better than rain. Unfortunately, the grass was still a bit muddy and slick from the previous night's downpour. At least he'd put his sneakers on again in anticipation of going outside.

He took a few steps to test the slickness of the ground, and waited for this mystery jerk from the board to show up. His eye-marks should have been clear enough identifiers, but eager as he was, he was the only one out here so far. On his end, it shouldn't be too hard to identify his opponent. He'd just look for the smug bastard coming out of the building.

leela, forte, sechs, minako, kaito, edward cullen, shinichi, haseo

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