Aug 14, 2008 22:27
I hate feeling this way. why can life be so simple. i was just talking the other day how i thought its weird how people come in and out of your life. How you can date someone and care about someone so much and then you break up and they are out of your life just as fast as they came in. I feel like it shouldnt be like that. I feel liek a boyfriend should be just like your girl best friends, because in reality, that is what they are, a best friend. Someone to comfort you when you are sad. Someone to do everything amazing that this world holds. To just make you smile and laugh by just looking at them. And act like yourself one hundred percent around them. Thats what i feel like a significant other is supposed to do. But i guess i just think the old fashion way. Some people say that im too mature for my age and that i should have been born a few years earlier. Its true, because im not the typical girl. I dont care about partying till i drop. I dont care about getting as many guys attention as i can. I dont care about all that. I just want someone to mix perfectly with me and be happy with me, flaws and all.