Angel and Liam - Chapter 26 - Friends and Other Relations

Apr 14, 2007 11:03

Story Title : Angel and Liam; Beginnings
Chapter Title Chapter 26 - Friends and Other Relations
Chapter Summary: Lalena arrives on the precipice. Jessi has a gift for Liam... from his mother.
Main Characters Liam, Lalena, Jessi
Rating PG
Remember this. I will always be with you. Think of me in the night sky. The years go by quickly. Very soon you will join me; a new star in the heavens.

Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand

Tiny Dancer - Elton John


In the middle of nowhere, remote and desolate stood a high precipice. It was in this place that the moon shone warmly, awaiting her arrival.

My sister come forth and spread your wings
Abide with me through the night
Together embraced, the one heart sings
Thus mingled our spirit takes flight

This night celebrate this gift of release
Spirit of fire now burning bright
For very soon this joy too will cease
’Twill fade into morning light

She sprung up from the ground; flying high, swooping low. Her wings circled in a sort of fan dance. Twirling, swaying; Lalena was caught up in the moment, unaware of anything but the moon. Yet her rhythmic movements mimicked those Angel had made earlier in front of the Christmas Card house, far away from the precipice. Both Lalena and Angel were beckoned by their sister moon.

Wings spread; she danced to the melody flowing along the moon beams. The music, silently uttered was not heard with vulgar ears. Rather it seeped into the heart.

Liam and Jessi landed several yards from Lalena, careful not to disturb her. The awaking needed to be done carefully.

An ecstasy overtook her as she continued her ritual dance.

“I don’t like this,” Liam said.

Jessi looked confused. “Why dear?”

"She's just a beautiful puppet, unaware she is at the moon's beck and call. It's cruel."

Jessi looked at Liam in wonder. He was an amazing young man. He had such tender insight. "And that is why Remus thought it would be good if you were with me."


"She needs to wake up."

"She'll be so scared..."

"And you'll be there. She needs you dear."

"Sure I will. I promised.”

“And you’ll be the one to awaken her.” Jessi couldn’t help but think of the handsome prince waking the Sleeping Beauty.

“No, not me.”

“She’d want you to.”

“You’re her aunt. You do it."

"I am her aunt by marriage only, and I love her dearly. She would rather have someone closer wake her.”

“What do I do?”

“Let’s allow her to dance for a bit dear. I have something to tell you.”

Liam bit his bottom lip. He’d had enough surprises for one night.

“I promised to tell you this on the night Lalena awoke. Please sit.”

Liam held his hands out and helped Jessi to the ground. “Liam dear, I have been keeping this to myself for a long time as it was never to be written. Do you remember that Lalena’s parents came here from your village and put Lalena up for adoption?”

Liam nodded.

“In the story, a family from your village left for the frozen north just after your people returned from your self imposed exile. They gave their infant daughter up for adoption. Yet I know the story was is not totally correct, having had a few details changed.

Just having the story let you know there was another one who escaped the terror. Yet just that small change would make it more difficult to track Lalena if the books came into the possession of the wrong people.

The truth is the child and her parents were in the village until just before the terror; escaping it by just a few hours. However, those responsible for the slaughter still believe the three died in the attack. They do not yet know the contents of the books. They may yet be unaware of them as they are still hidden with the Gwyddions."

"I've read the books..."

"And taken one; I know. Yet that book was yours anyway; to be given on your sixteenth birthday. So it is fine you have it. But let's get back to the story. Lalena's parents just barely escaped, so their daughter was nearly two when she came here. She was immediately given to her adoptive parents. The two sets of parents actually met each other."

"But how do you know all this?"

"That is for another day. There is yet a greater secret that even I do not know. However, Lalena’s parents left a word with Clarissa, my sister-in-law. This word comes from your mother. She sends it with love.”

Liam was squeezing Jessi’s hands.

Jessi looked directly into Liam’s eyes and said, “satirevelimafinevda”.

He was nearly knocked over as bright light shot through his head. Jessi faded away as a new vision was set before him.

Knees….. he looked straight ahead at knees, grownup knees belonging to his mother. It was very boring being this low to the ground when everything exciting was happening several feet above, so he decided to go somewhere else. Yet as he turned around he realized his way was blocked by another set of knees. A small girl, just a toddler, peeked out from behind them; her thumb in her mouth.

He decided to ignore her and looked up. The owner of those knees was a beautiful red haired woman with deep brown eyes. She was hugging Liam’s mum, both of them crying. Then he was scooped up and hugged by that woman. “Au reviour little Liam, be a good boy when your auntie is gone.” She handed him a peppermint stick.

“Now Glenna, he’ll be all sticky.”

“Little boys should be sticky.” Tears dripped from her face.

“Time to go dear. It will be light soon.” A tall man with black hair and beard interrupted. “Put the boy down.” He continued to listen intently and look around.

Face to face with that girl again, Cody didn’t know what to do. So he walked forward and stuck the peppermint in her mouth. She smiled and wiggled her fingers goodbye.

The man scooped the little girl from the ground and put his arm around Glenna, his wife. "I wish you'd change your minds and come with us."

He scanned the area one last time, wanting just one more look at his village. Sighing he turned and sped his family away.

The picture faded and Liam again looked into Jessi’s eyes. “Did you see?”

She shook her head. “Your mother left that message for you alone.”

He took a deep breath and held it, finally exhaling.

“There is one more thing I am to tell you, dear. You are to awaken Lalena as S’more. She will recognize you in that form.”

Liam wanted to scream to the world that he had family. Then everyone could celebrate with him. Yet he knew better. This had to be kept secret.

“Liam dear, are you ok?”

Liam nodded.

“Then should we awaken her?”

He blinked and S’more appeared.

“Let’s go dear.”

He could hardly contain his excitement. He couldn't wait.


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