AWDT drabble - Take a Chance on Me

Apr 07, 2007 15:06

Title Take a Chance on Me
Summary: Nathan and Angel party at Shane's flat. As the party progresses, Angel is bombarded with new ideas and experiences. In this post we meet Chance, a lover from Nathan's past. He and Nathan have a surprise for Angel.
Prompt Last word Scar.
fandom HP
Main Characters Nathan, Angel, Cody, Chance and a host of other young men.
Rating NC17 for adult theme and language
A/N This is a bit of chapter 25 of Angel and Liam.... A few helps. Nathan is my lovely manipulator. Chance and Cody are other loves of Nathan. There is a magical connection between Nathan and Angel. Prior to tonight, Angel has been angry about his fate, blaming Remus and Liam. Other happenings tonight, prior to this have played into Angel's change of attitude.

we are
we are the shaken
we are the monsters
underneath your bed
believe what you read
we are
we are mistaken
we are the voices
inside your head
believe what you see


it came as no surprise
you bring me back to life
believe me
you bleed for me
i'll bleed for you
i caught you walking through walls
drowned with applause
from the world that makes me crazy
**Monsters - Matchbook Romance


One more person was just arriving.

Thunder clapped just outside, forcing the door open with such force it nearly flew off its hinges. There stood a man with shoulder length snow white hair whipping across his face; the black silk hair tie was no match for the wind. His extremely pallid skin was set off by a long black cape, flapping in the wind.

He slung the cape off, letting it fall to the floor; now exhibiting an entirely black wardrobe. From his silk trousers that fit like his own skin and had no apparent closure, to the silk shirt open to the waist, to the above knee boots; class oozed from him.

This man blended into the night sky so well that even with Angel’s exceptional eyesight, he had difficulty making him out. Angel was sure he would be invisible if he covered his exposed skin with that cape. He couldn’t take his eyes off this magnificent creature.

Lighting struck a small tree a few yards away, flashing brightly against him, giving the impression of an aura surrounding dark black nothing; as if he wasn’t there at all. Only a slight glimmer of metal was visible from the silver chain and locket he wore.

He glided into the room, swaggering forward as he slipped off his black silk gloves. An aristocratic air on his face, he bowed slightly to everyone present. “Pardon my lateness.”

Angel literally heard the room inhale and as he looked around he realized nearly everyone was in a trance. Nathan seemed to be ok. He seemed to be ok. Was Chance able to choose? ….. Chance… He had never met him, yet he just called the man Chance and he knew he was right. But what was even more extraordinary was the feeling of déjà vu. Had he met him somewhere?

“Chalmers sends his regrets.” His voice dripped arrogance. “He is a bit tired at the moment.” He spied Nathan. “There you are dear, so good to see you.” Then stooping between the two of them, he turned towards Angel. “So you are the lovely Angel.” He brushed Angel’s cheek with his fingertips.

Angel shivered inside, yet kept himself in check. This man’s fingers were ice cold and his skin was white as paste. Angel was reminded of death; either that or mashed potatoes.

From this distance Angel made the man’s face out clearly. He had expected him to be old, someone from Dumbledore’s time. He definitely exuded antiquity. Yet Chance had the face of someone seventeen; eighteen at most.

“So endearing,” Chance sighed, “Yours Nathan?”

“Yes Chance, Angel is mine.”

“Pity. I could make him very happy.” He gazed into Angel’s eyes. “You would like to be happy, wouldn’t you?”

Angel nodded.

“And I would love to be the one to do it. Yet I sense your heart is somewhere else. Nathan is very fortunate.”

As Chance leaned forward to kiss him, the silver necklace sparkled blue. Angel flinched and moved away. Chance knew what he was. He had to. Why else would he wear something like that?

Chance’s voice resonated through the room, yet he hadn’t uttered a word. “Do not be afraid, luv. I mean you no harm. The necklace just confirmed what I had only suspected.”

Angel’s eyes were wide and his heart was racing.

“You are thinking your secret is out? That everyone has heard? You are wrong. I speak to you only.” He moved closer. Yet Angel slid aside, remembering how Luna’s charm had burnt him.

“Ah, the trinket concerns you. Indeed it is silver, yet it will not burn. I do not brand without permission. ” He kissed Angel’s forehead, his lips lingering. “I so long to taste you. Again not to worry. I do not force.” Then, for the first time that night, Chance’s voice brightened. He nearly giggled. “Nathan would never forgive me. And he is a jealous one.”

“Relax luv. Enjoy yourself tonight. Nathan is watching over everything. He cares for you. Now the two of us have a surprise especially for you. Just go with it.” He ran his tongue over Angel’s face and turned to Nathan, pulling him into a dark, intense kiss.

Angel felt Chance’s tongue in his own mouth. Gods…. the kiss was intoxicating. The taste of that tongue was unworldly, a delight one couldn’t put words to. He knew both light and darkness, immersed in wave after wave of untamed energy. Gods he longed for both men… together… right now.

He silently screamed to Nathan as he pressed back against Logan, the young man beside him in the circle. He needed him… now. Yet without a touch, Angel was almost there. Eyes now rolled back into his head he ached to finish it…

However Nathan and Chance had a different idea. He would be held right there, left in that state, continue to be tortured; all the better for when release came. Meanwhile they could talk silently to each other without him noticing.

“Gods Nathan, come back with me. You can bring the boy.”

Nathan wrapped his fingers in Chance’s hair. “Fuck yes….. …no, damn them..”

Chance pushed away, “Then find a way!”

Nathan yanked him back into the kiss. “I need you. I’ve always needed you. I’m not the one who left.”

Chance hissed and bit Nathan’s lip.

“I’ll miss you too dearest. Should we have mercy on the boy?”

He sucked Nathan’s lips slowly, wantonly, extending the moment. Then he grudgingly conceded to Angel. …… “Now!” Chance pushed him away.

Nathan immediately kissed Angel deeply, muffling the sound he made as he came. Everything inside Angel shrieked Nathan’s name.

If either Nathan or Angel had been aware of anything, they would have seen despair in Chance’s eyes.

But Cody noticed. He glared smugly. His wish had just been granted. Chance had just gotten his come-uppance. Nathan had moved on.

A chill filled the air as Chance turned towards Cody, his eyes shooting daggers.

Any sensible person would have ducked and run, yet that arse didn't scare Cody one bit.

Chance had just about had enough. He got to his feet and spun around, his cape seeming to fly through the air and wrap around him, still fluttering. He then turned to Nathan, his eyes reflecting emptiness. “Au revior my lovely.”

Then, blowing a kiss to the room, he disappeared into the night.

As his presence faded, the trance lifted. Several of the boys in the room began laughing.

Angel too was slowly coming off his crescendo. He wanted to ask so many things.
Nathan kissed him again. “Not aloud luv. Talk silently.”

“Is he?”


“Very cool. And is Chalmers?”

“Nah. Chalmers’ mum named him well. Means ‘Servant of the bedroom’. He’s a stupid muggle who fell for Chance. And those such as Chance need blood.”

“You mean? He would do that….. would he?”

Nathan nodded.

Both Nathan and Angel joined in the laughter. Chalmers was a stupid arse.


Gods Angel loved this life. Nathan had taken him from his Remus imposed prison and given him the world. In the process, Angel had grown up. He would no longer back away from what he had become. He would no longer be afraid of the raw emotion inside.

He heard Nathan’s silent whisper telling him it was only the beginning. There was so much more to come.

For the first time Angel gave thanks for the thing that first attracted Nathan to him. For the first time he celebrated the bite. In that instant he fell in love with that glorious scar.

fics, awdt, angel and liam, drabble

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