Dec 09, 2010 21:47
So you remember that thing I was really excited for? You know getting a dog? yah, it's not happening.
Tay and I went out to get treats, a new toy, a new tag for her, and the fucktards emailed while we were out, saying they wanted to keep her, they wanted to give it a try, that they wanted to try going to a behaviorist. they decided to do this now? now? after deciding to give her up? BULL SHIT!
I think twatface pitched a fit to doormat and he backed out and let her do what she wanted. I mean they SAW how excited we were and how happy she was with us. The only time we saw that dog's tail wag was when I was down on the floor playing tug of war with her! At 8 months, that tail should have been a blur!
They admitted they didn't have time for her. they never take her for walks "unless they feel like it". just because danes are good apartment dogs doesn't mean you don't have to take them out!
My heart is breaking. I....I just wanted a dog....