Jan 30, 2011 11:13
good lord it's beeen a while since I posted here huh?
Well lets go over what changed:
after the whole debockle with those idiots, we found a better breeder. She had a deaf dane girl who was named Frost. We left an message for her but it turns out that Frost was taken to a home in the states, to a deaf school to be a tharapy dog for deaf kids. I can't really be upset about that.
But we find out that her bitch (female dog) is pregnant and she was ready to pop any day now. If they had a deaf one, would we want it? OF COURSE!
Just before christmas, my computer exploded. the screen overheated AGAIN and I brought it in to the shop. I wait forever and then I get a call saying that overheating isn't covered and aparently my screen isn't coveredf by the hardwear warnentee.
Christmas comes and we go home for christmas, but we kept checking the website. Every day, waiting for Briar (the bitch) to pop. Christmas day, they come! There were TWO whites! We decided to take the one named Alpine. We renamed him Castiel. (YES from Supernatural! Lol)
Flash forward fighting tooth and nail wtih Dell, we got my new computer (Impala, because the driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole)! The nice purlator guy was quite suprised that I was waiting downstairs and equelly suprised when we told him WHY i was downstairs waiting for him.
We've put our downpayment on Cas, now its just the problem of getting the $600 for the rest of him. (Any donations?Lol) I have a job working at Price chopper (Soon to be Fresh Co.) but its only two five-hour shifts a week. Tay's job is being retarded and she's only geting 6 hours a week. 6! arg!
We met a really nice couple though. Through our breeder. Lynda and Paul have two Great Danes. Their awsome! Jack and Jill are adorable. I met up with Lynda and Paul and the twins yesterday and walked around with them for two hours! it was great! Lynda bought me a tea and cookie while I waited outside with Jill. Then we went to a dogpark to drink our tea/coffee and have our cookies. She walked me to the streetcar stop, and we parted ways.
Tay went to a really REALLY bad job that she was like "FFT NOT DOING AGAIN" and we Emailed Lynda to see if she wanted to go for another walk today, so tay can meet at least Jill and Lynda, if not Paul and Jack. It turns out their going over to the island today for a romp with a few other dogs and invited us along. And Lynda said she'd pay for us! *squeee* Lynda i love you. *Grin*
So we're going to be showering soon and heading out of here around noon. so that we can meet up wtih them for the 1:30pm Farrey.
It's -6C outside. So it'll be chilly but it'll be fine, because we can bundle up.