I am going to be a father tomorrow.
On a lark, I went onto creigslist and was poking around the pet section when I came across an ad, posted this afternoon at about quarter to five. It was advertising a dog, 8 months old, going to a good home. she'd been adopted from a lady who had had two bulldogs who picked on her, the poor dear, so she was re-homed to a very nice couple, but who weren't really all that prepared for what they were getting into.
They posted the ad because they couldn't spend enough time with her and wanted her to go to a proper forever-home.
I sent the link to the ad to my mate, who's response was "....Email them...." So I did.
Within an hour and a half and about 16 emails, I'd arranged with a lovely young lady, so named A, to meet up with her and her boyfriend, at their home, to meet the pup. Bundled up against the cold (not well in my case, I should have worn a hat!), Mate and I got on the ttc and went to their house to meet them. Lovely folks, very informative and loved that we were so excited to take her.
After chatting with them for almost two hours and playing with the pup, We parted ways. A is going to call me tomorrow to get my address so that her and her boyfriend can drop the pup, and all her stuff, off with us.
In a matter of hours, I will be the proud papa to this beautiful angel:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v300/taineyah/HPIM0059.jpg Yes, I'm getting an 8 month old, already house broken, very well-trained, GREAT DANE!
(watch out hungarian kids! they thought thorn was bad....)
I will be posting more pictures once we have her. I will photo spam you all!!