I've been tagged!

Aug 07, 2006 22:08

kiwiria said .. Ifeel special.  I've actually been tagged.  I'm around lurking, but I so rarely interact, that I think people forget a bit about me, which in general is all right as generally I don't have the time to participate all that much anyway.  Plus now we're down to one computer again, so I have to share with two rabid "runescape" fanatics and perpetually looking for a job.

Anyway, I'm supposed to:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest. Do people really keep books in closets? I keep them on pretty much any flat surface, but closets are for shoes!
6. Tag five people.

Okaaaaayyyyy...do you really want the closest book???

Here goes:

"It turns out that this average composition is intermnediate between that of granite and basalt (or it's coarser grained equivalents, diabase and gabbro) which are the two most common igneous rock types.  If the sampling by Clarke and Washington had included an appropriate number of basalts from the deep ocean basins, their average would have been more representative of average crust than of just the average continental crust.  Consideration of the extensive basalts on the ocean floor would lower the average Si, K, and Na values but would raise the Fe, Mg, and Ca content of the average analysis."

That's from the classic Manual of Mineralogy.  Why might you ask is that the closest book ... typically it would not be, but the next door neighbor child (who is 8yo) just got back from a trip to Tennessee, and did some rock and gem hunting on the trip.  He brought his rocks over to show to my kids, and while my kids could care less (unless they are virtual rocks you can sell in runescape), I was all excited about it.  I was trying to tell him that rubys and saphires are really the same rock (corundum) with just varying amounts of Chromium, Iron, and Titanium.  Differing proportions of those trace minerals vary the color of the Corundum, making it ruby, or saphire, or something in between.

Anyway, I'd brought this book home from work and ther eit was closest to the computer.  I could have cheated in that the second nearest book is "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" and the sentances on that book's page 123 would undoubtedly been more interesting.  Or I could go to the bookshelf just behind me and there are all my most interesting novels...

And speaking of novels, I promised
geneologygirl I would order and start "Twilight"  and I will ... do you know when the sequel is coming out?  I thought I might order both and get the free shipping...but maybe not ...

In the meantime, I have read :The Devil Wears Prada", but have not seeen the movie.  "Memoirs of a Geisha", the movie was better than the book.  "Twelve Sharp", the latest Janet Evanovich, Stephanie Plum Novel.  That one I enjoyed (its a light fluffy read).  It was much better than the last few.  And I have avoided "Danse Macabre", the latest Anita Blake novel.  The last two of those books were so bad ... deviod of plot, disjointed and incomplete, that I couldn't stomach paying hardcover prices for it if it was the trash the last two were.  I hate it when a series I enjoyed devolves into crap.  If Laurell K Hamilton had submitted the last book as a first, she wouild have been laughed out of the publishing house.  Do established writers get no editing or critique.

I've picked up half a dozen other books that I thought I'd like to read including "The Other Boleyn Girl", "Darcy and Elizabeth" (Pride and Prejudice fanfiction), "Mansfield Park", and "Bet Me" Jennifer Cruisie's latest (more fluff muffin reading).  But even after all that, I have not been able to get my head into a book.  Hopefully "Twilight" will do the trick, I just have to get off my butt and order it.

Kids had their first day back to school today.  Very uneventful and mucho paperwork to fill out.  How many times do they need my name address, phone number and emergency contact information.... urgh, am getting a hand cramp.

Oh I need to tag folks to pass the memeage along don't I ... okay, how about:






I don't think any of them have done this, and I expect a few of you are out of touch, but think of this as a nudge anyway.

Anyway, thanks to
genealogygirl for tagging me ... I feel like I was picked for a good kickball team.  :)   
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