Dec 15, 2006 22:07
Hey Guys!
I am still alive and around. I read everyone's LJ, but never quite get to post in my own before I'm called away to make dinner, help with homework, fold Laundry, or do some sort of prep for the next day. I've also been going to bed earlier than my previous bedtime of between midnight and 1 am. I've started early morning excercise again, so I'm getting up at 4:30am. That means I'm asleep by about 10ish. However, my vigilance of excersise and watching the calories and portion sizes have netted a loss of 4 pounds in the last two weeks! Go Me! And that's despite three holiday parties and making a tray of brownies!
At work I didn't get the manager's job I had applied for and I must say I was relieved! I know I could do the job, but my director and I both agreed that I wasn't quite ready for it. He said if this position had opened up in another couple of years, I'd be a slam dunk for the position, but both the program was still new to the district and it wasn't one in which you wanted someone to learn on the job, and I agree ... so now I have all the knowledge and none of the responsibility! mwahhahahahahaha ... it's a nice position to be in. And ... if I stay with the district though the summer I get a nice raise to the 20% mark in the pay range ... a good little chunk. So work is pleasant enough.
The kids are great. I had my very first eBay auction experience over Thanksgiving getting a better trumpet for the oldest son. He loves it, but still doesn't practice regularly ... urgh ... the middler son has discovered the wonders of the skateboard. He's finally riding the one I got him for his birthday and playing the Tony Hawk xBox game, and thinks its way cool. The little one is cute as ever and just can't wait for Christmas. He says he loves it most because we can all spend the whole day together.
Otherwise life is good in the siriologist household. My new years resolutions are to lose 30 pounds by May and post more often and get back in touch with you all.
Ack...gotta run and get packed up ... we're headed to Disney tomorrow for some Christmas lights, rides, and escape from the holiday madness (and looking for a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
I'll post when we return ...