Jun 03, 2010 18:58

Who: daddydaioh & debtfinanced
Where: a commoner's dollar store!
Summary: Friday's Commoner-Style Dollar Savers Lucky Pot Beach Party requires supplies--and where better to try and find dollar saver supplies than at a DOLLAR STORE!
Warnings: sparkles and excitement and Kyouya might step on Tamaki's head.

Yeah, Kyouya, the Dollar Store! It's a land of sweets and joy...and joyness! )

suou tamaki, ohtori kyouya

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Comments 4

debtfinanced June 4 2010, 17:01:58 UTC
This was already the worst trip ever. THE WORST.

Well… perhaps not the worst. Unlike his best friend, Kyouya was not the type to think in ridiculous, over-the-top, and frankly quite impossible hyperboles. There had, after all been many worse trips made over the centuries, among them the American Trail of Tears or the trip that the Russian Tsar and his family had to make from Petrograd to Siberia. However, all of those were highly irrelevant to the current trip, which while not horrible… could very well be Ohtori Kyouya’s very own trip to what might very well be his own demise.

Contrary to popular belief, as well as some of the thoughts that he often housed, he did not loathe spending time with Tamaki. In fact, one (an objective observer with access to the deepest, darkest corners of Kyouya’s mind) might even say that he rather enjoyed it. A person with a death wish might even say that he liked it ( ... )


daddydaioh June 4 2010, 17:45:46 UTC
"What's wrong with your arm?" Tamaki favored the limb in question with a slight glance, then smiled up at Kyouya. He did not release his hold--he couldn't bring himself to! And who knew where Kyouya would go if he didn't keep a hold of him. No, no, they had to stay true to their destination. "It looks all right to me!"

Their destination. Tamaki stopped dead within about ten feet of the doors, staring at them in complete reverential awe. The Dollar Store. A thing of legend at this point--at least, in Tamaki's mind. A land flowing with cheap good and discount foods and beverages. He whirled around and seized onto Kyouya's shoulders instead, pulling him close, nose-to-nose.

"We've arrived," he conveyed in his best Secretive Voice. Very hush hush, this anticipation business. "Do you have the money prepared? Do you have your will prepared? We must be strong, Kyouya, and not spend more than our allotted budget ( ... )


/late forevarrrrr :| debtfinanced June 8 2010, 23:04:16 UTC
Kyouya had long since learned that there was little merit into ever walking into anything with Tamaki blindly. While it was not something he ever did, it was still important to make sure that every little detail was meticulously planned, lest Tamaki get sidetracked and drag him to some other location that could prove to be rather dangerous.

"I do not believe that a will will be necessary for this particular venture, Tamaki." And even if it was, he wanted to note that he had little in the way of any sort of assets to speak of. While he had at least one good lead on a moderately profitable job, in commoner's terms he was... well... broke.

Still, he had estimated that their combined funds would allow for purchases that were more than within their budget ( ... )


not as late as meee ffff :| daddydaioh June 11 2010, 14:52:52 UTC
It didn't surprise him that Kyouya did not see the need for a will. A last will and testament could be of crucial importance before entering a store like this. Who knew what wonders and terrors awaited them behind those sliding glass doors? Who knew what trouble they could find themselves in, what inedible food they could sample, what cheap plastic trinket could fall and seriously concuss them? No, it was clearly more dangerous than Kyouya was thinking--or perhaps he was merely trying to be strong! Yes, that was probably it. Kyouya wasn't the type to suffer aloud, after all. Tamaki choked up a little just thinking about it. Ah, what a best friend he had! How selfless, how controlled!

But, anyways!

"Sixty-five dollars," Tamaki repeated, a little awed by the figure. It was so low! So common! Budgets were amazing little things--the true stuff of commoner life! Just the thought of commoners, headed off to the store with lists and budgets clutched in their hands was enough to make Tamaki smile. And now he was living it! Really living it ( ... )


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