(no subject)

Jan 19, 2012 12:46

Who: Hattie and Ella
When: Today
Where: Ella's home
Summary: The sequel to an average day in the house of Frell
Warnings: Rest your eyes every 2 hours.


7:59 am

Hattie pulled her face from her pillow, skin indented with pillow wrinkles. It had taken some time, but she was slowly getting used to getting up early; and it seems today she didn't even need to set her alarm: 8:AM. It was time for her usual morning routine, brush her teeth, shower, breakfast. (frosted wheats since she's too lazy too cook), and then off to the gym when the morning siren's blared
Oh, and letting the cat eat food from the can. With Ella off at work, Hattie pretty much spent her time minding her own business and then was off, carrying a change of clothes with her.

11:30 am

Afterward it was almost her usual noon routine, normally she'd have Keigo performing trivial tasks for her, but that wasn't happening today. The sales at the Mall were insignificant, and the blonde found herself so bored out of her mind that she decided to go home after lunch.

1 pm

The familiar sound of a taxi door could be heard slammed shut if anyone were home, and she's greeted by the usual guy who does his jogs in the afternoon, 'Uh.. No bags to carry today Miss Hattie?'

"N- no, get lost." The well-dressed lady quipped and brushed right on by without even giving the once star-eyed (now hanging his head) man a look. Shortly after she was inside the house shivering like crazy, "S- S- S- S- So c- c- c- cold.. Th- this time if y- year s- sucks.."

hattie, ella

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