Who: The Investigation Team! (Chie is welcome to drop in too!)
When: Around noon on Thursday, January 19
Where: Souji's apartment in Sector 4
Summary: REUNION!!! Also it's Kanji's 16th birthday.
Warnings: Nope.
Caught up on the news of everything that went on during his absence, Kanji sat back for a moment in silence just to take it all in. He was sitting on the floor of the living room, glad to be surrounded by his teammates. He'd been afraid that he might find all of them gone, maybe that something horrible had happened to them like it'd happened to him, but that wasn't the case. They were safe, here.
He just hoped they wouldn't ask what happened to him, now.
The buzzer interrupted their conversation. It was probably the pizza delivery guy. Kanji glanced at Souji. "Should I get it, senpai?"