New Arrivals Log (January)

Jan 02, 2012 23:54

Who: January Arrivals, Greeters, & anyone else who happens to be hanging around the Tower Apartments to greet newcomers.
When: Throughout January, 2012(Please Specify Date & Time in Thread Header)
Where: The Sector 4 Baseball Diamond, Parking Lot & Lobby of the Tower Apartments
Summary: This is your catch-all one stop log for arrival interactions! New Newcomers can also meet and mingle in the apartment lobby.
Warnings: Nausea, potential for violence, language- add on any warnings or ratings as they come up.

It feels like a whiplash, like being plucked up into the sky and sucked through a very tight dark space before being deposited rather roughly in the City. Your character will be disoriented, dizzy, slightly nauseous, and very sore upon arriving in the City. It is your choice whether your character arrives during the safety of the day or the danger of night.

Until recently, no one knew why, but every new arrival to the City from another world gets deposited in the dead center of an abandoned, graffittied baseball diamond. It has been discovered that deep down under the abandoned field is the location of the once long lost Core. It is assumed that because of this, Newcomers show up in this single location. Since the discovery of the Core there have been new developments. Instead of signs plastered around it with bad advice for newcomers (several signs that said 'you're fucked now, newmeat' or give bad advice and wrong directions), the fences and signs have now been replaced with information, memorials and welcome signs, frequently kept up by Newcomers as encouragement (though from time to time some form of degrading tag might appear here or there).

A person is thrown from their pull somewhere within the fenced in baseball field, either in the dirty unkept infield or tossed rolling into the over grown dirty outfield (complete with craggy pits that appear to be evidence of larger crashing Newcomers). Standing on second base and facing home plate, one will see a rotten, old and deteriorating backstop and chain link fencing, much like any little league baseball field. Broken down bleachers, made of worn out green painted wood can be seen in disarray behind this and some old trees line the wall and fencing along the right side.

To your left is a walled in Dugout with a secured door. The dugouts are made of thick concrete and set low into the earth. This one has been outfitted as a safe place to enter during the night to hide and wait out the morning. Sometimes Greeters can be found here, waiting for people to show up.

The Dugout to the right has, since April of 2011, been remodeled. The discovery of an entrance to the Core has forced the construction of a high security building over this dugout. This is a well lit and guarded area.

The Baseball Diamond is held by the Neutral Government, allowing greeters access to the infield while the small building constructed over the right dugout is still guarded heavily by government-controlled Voids, to block public access to the Core. Those who cooperate with greeters will be treated fairly and be given helpful information, lead to the Tower Apartments and offered a month's lodging. Those who put up a fight will be met with Voids and detained by police.

Just beyond the fence, in the Tower Apartments parking lot and lobby, SERO and AGI recruiters will be passing out informational leaflets presenting company propaganda, including discounted coupon booklets and travel-sized toiletries as a "Newcomer Welcome Package".

Other then the light around the Core building there is one single light that remains on, even in the Darkness. If your character arrives at night, that's the only light they'll see otherwise. Still standing on second and facing home plate, one will find an open walkway that leads into a parking lot. This is the parking lot to the Tower Apartments. As you walk out (or are escorted out) you will see the right side of the apartments. Cross the apartment and enter through the set of doors here to enter the lobby of the apartments. The office of the Landlord is well marked, just ahead. (OOC NOTE: This Section will see an update on the 15th of the Month)

Though these services are provided by SERO and/or Afterglow, Inc they are now run buy the Newcomers themselves. With heavy funding and support contacts from both companies the building is in a current state of slow remodel. Both SERO and AGI have staff within the building for Core Research purposes but the Newcomers are the ones now running the building.

seras victoria, larsa solidor, hugo strange, khisanth, *first day, livio | razlo, amy pond, *open log, soul eater evans, caster, the narrator

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