Snow Globe Log

Jan 02, 2012 00:17

Who: EVERYONE! Newcomers Snow Globe Event!
When: Morning of January 2, 2012 through the 8th!
Where: The Baseball Diamond and the Tower Apartments
Summary: The current batch of Newcomers is coming up on year three. SNOW GLOBES have appeared, chiming in the diamond. Each one belonging to a Newcomer. Come, come and find yours!
Warnings: This is a Open Log. Please use Subject lines if we have them for warnings if things to pare shaped.
Note: use Date/Time in your subject line so people know when your character is here! This Log will be up for a week after all!

A strange chiming sound started off softly almost moments after the sirens rang in the morning. Soft bell like sounds coming from the baseball diamond. A Greeter and a Core Guard Void stood for some time looking at the small pile of round orbs littering the pitchers mound of the field. After the Void poked around for a bit the Greeter was informed to ‘clean this mess up’ and to ‘get it out of here’.

That being said, a group of Greeters has been asked to clear these small Orbs out of the field. Lead Greeters have started to organize the Snow Globes carefully on tables in the meeting hall of the Tower Apartments, trying to keep a short distance away from each other to help dim the chiming sounds, but with such a large group of them together the sound is pretty but loud.

When a person finds their globe it will glow a faint and charming light blue, the chiming sound will ring a bit louder for just a moment and then fade back again. Every time the snow globe is picked up by that person it will glow softly. Finding your globe could be as easy as touching each one until the one made for you glows.

terra, frau, *open log, dr. john seward, caster, czeslaw meyer, raul creed, elaine belloc, xemnas, aoyagi ritsuka, death, will graham, *event, kenzo tenma, aslan, elena, marluxia, roxas, tim drake, snow white, sora, larry butz, franz d'epinay

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