[Open] Headbanger's Ball / Heavy Metal Night

Dec 03, 2011 18:49

When: Saturday, December 3rd, from four P.M. to morning sirens.
Where: An abandoned warehouse in Sector 8.
Summary: That one zazzy event Pickles and D-Joe have been talking about.
Warnings: Adult language, loud music, alcohol and drug consumption, mentions of satanic imagery, eventual violence and NPC death, and anything else that ( Read more... )

celes chere, tim drake, claire bennet, replica riku, pickles the drummer, *open log

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DRUG BUST drinkthebleach December 4 2011, 00:15:51 UTC
[The pigs try to bust up the party; NPC fans under the influence of Dethklok's music violently attack them. What do?]


Juuuust because I can regeneratesalot December 13 2011, 01:55:53 UTC
[ Claire's caught in the middle of some of the fans getting into a brutal fight with some of,the cops. Being short seemed to only have disadvantages, and she's shoved to the ground, trampled by the feet of the crazed fans. The music didn't seem to affect her as much as others, but she definitely grabbed the legs of some of the people to bring them down so she could get up.

It definitely did not work out as well as she thought it would. ]


HOPE THIS IS ALL RIGHT? drinkthebleach December 13 2011, 04:00:06 UTC
[Chaos after a show wasn't new to Pickles--it was so customary that their manager even invented pain wavers to prevent them from going bankrupt due to multiple lawsuits. As far as he knew, they were the only death metal band that needed that.

The key difference was normally when this shit was happening, he was on stage and out of the line of fire. He was going to have bruises from dicks and assholes elbowing him in the gut, and he was trying to stay away from anyone that looked like a cop...

Pickles nearly jumps out of his sneakers when he feels something latch onto his ankle. It's alarming to feel anything touch him below the waist; he can't even process what would be on the ground until he looks and sees a girl. What was she doing there?

Blinking a couple times:] You all right?


IT'S PERFECT, LIKE YOUR FACE. regeneratesalot December 13 2011, 05:57:31 UTC
Can you help me up? [ She sounds a little irritated. Claire's not sure if anything is broken on her; hopefully not, just to avoid an awkward conversation about being able to heal. She holds out a hand, trying to stand on her own. Her leg keeps sliding though (broken or sprained, it's impossible to tell at this), making it nearly impossible.

Be a gentleman and help a lady up, bro. ]


drinkthebleach December 13 2011, 06:50:05 UTC
['Gentleman' would probably be one of the last words that someone would use to describe Pickles (alongside eloquent, even-tempered, or sober). But he's not a dick; he's a dude that chooses to take Claire's hand and pull her off the floor, even though another body bumping into his back almost causes him to drop her again.]

Jesus--fuckin' dildos. How'd de cops even find out about this fuckin' party?!


regeneratesalot December 13 2011, 23:11:20 UTC
Thanks. [ She sends a glare at the people rushing towards them. She turned her attention back to Pickles. ]

I don't know, maybe they heard about it on the network?


drinkthebleach December 13 2011, 23:32:56 UTC
[He blows a stream of air through his mouth and looks disapproving. As much as he kind of-maybe approves of D-Joe, this is why you keep these kinds of things private. You don't go to the police station and let them know that Billy's throwing a party while his parents are out of town and kids will be snorting lines of coke off his mom's heirloom coffee table.] Enh. Well it can't be fuckin' helped now.


regeneratesalot December 13 2011, 23:46:56 UTC
[ Claire slightly lifted a leg, adjusting her kneecap back into place. Her jeans had a small amount of blood from the wound, though she wouldn't notice it until later. ]

At least the party was ... fun while it lasted. [ She still wasn't too keen on death metal, but,it wasn't the worst experience of her life ]

Do we just wait for the co- [ Oh, hello there random elbow in her shoulder. ] -cops to round everybody up?


drinkthebleach December 14 2011, 00:07:22 UTC
[He watches Claire adjust her own kneecap with slightly lifted eyebrows (pretty bad ass, if you ask him--she wasn't even crying or anything). But the mention of cops rounding people up freezes his amusement.

Though parts of the night were sort of a loud, multicolored blur that he was just starting to come down from, he knows himself well enough to assume he has something illegal in his pockets--definitely inside his bloodstream. So Pickles decides to use the person that just bumped Claire to jab a hitchhiker's thumb over his shoulder.] Hey. You wanna find some place dat's umm...quieter?


regeneratesalot December 14 2011, 00:27:55 UTC
[ Crying is for wimps. She raises an eyebrow at him. Was it possible? She didn't think there,could be a quiet place in this warehouse. ]

Yeah, sure. [ She carefully moves forward, making sure none of her ankles were messed up. ]


drinkthebleach December 14 2011, 00:47:37 UTC
[As Pickles pivots around, he checks over his shoulder one last time to make sure that none of the cops have noticed him as a dude that looks suspicious. He also touches Claire's back for a second without really thinking about it. It's a combination of showing her the way he was going and maybe, maybe making sure that nobody else bumps her before he lets go and tries to find the eye of the shit storm, and a corner of the warehouse where they could stay out of trouble. Also fuck the darkness for making it impossible to go outside.]


regeneratesalot December 14 2011, 00:57:31 UTC
[Yeah, fuck the darkness. That shit is scary. She doesn't notice the hand, her attention more focused on shoving people out of her way. She's a little cranky. ]

Over there? [ She has to shout over a group of rowdy teenagers who are screaming something that sounds an awful like "fuck the police", her arm pointing to an area across the warehouse, fairly empty for now. Or, at least, the rowdy crowd was nowhere close to it. ]


drinkthebleach December 14 2011, 05:28:37 UTC
[If this were a normal day or any other given situation, Pickles would agree with the crowd. He feels that way now, but he's sure as shit not going to chime in, right now.

He glances in the direction that she is referring to, looks around for cops, and then deems it sufficient when he sees none.] Works for me. [And he makes a beeline for that area, expecting Claire to follow him.]


regeneratesalot December 14 2011, 05:44:13 UTC
[ She does, making sure to keep him in her sight in case they get separated in the crowd. She manages to stay behind him, watching the scene unfold before them from their new spot. ]

Do people usually get this crazy at metal concerts? I've heard stories but ... [ Nothing like this. ]


drinkthebleach December 15 2011, 02:56:32 UTC
[He presses his back against the wall and rubs his forehead, taking a breath before he answers.]

Can't say they're always broken up by the pigs. ...But it's pretty standard for people to get riled up at shows an' blow off some steam by pushing each other around. S' called moshing.


regeneratesalot December 17 2011, 02:37:17 UTC
I'm starting to see why I was never really into metal in the first place. [ She glances back over her shoulder at the scene. ]


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