String me up to a cherry tree; come one, come all - and hang with me.

Aug 31, 2011 18:01

Who: OPEN.
When: The morning of August 31 until September 2.
Where: Sector 4 and random spots throughout the city.
Summary: Mysterious flowering cherry trees have sprung up overnight. They're beautiful, but their petals have some strange effects...
Warnings: Put your warning in your subject line.

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sam winchester, jason todd, amy pond, asano rin, *open log, dr. john seward, uchiha madara, castiel, reim lunettes, jessica hamby, kyoji kasshu, franziska von karma, sephiroth, clark kent, bruce wayne | batman, jake marshall, sam merlotte, grell sutcliff, rochelle, keigo asano, domon kasshu, sherlock holmes, genesis rhapsodos, spike, angel, lee chaolan, zoey, carrie kelley, peter petrelli, william t. spears, kenzo tenma, rain jewlitt, kanji tatsumi, yako katsuragi, snow white, kurt hummel, misato katsuragi, neuro nougami

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Comments 2590

OPEN FOREVER potential warnings for angel being.. uhm. angel. slipperysoul September 1 2011, 01:30:42 UTC
[ Almost as soon as the sun went down, Angel was hitting the streets. He felt too cooped up in this city as it already stood; it was hard to be willing to stay inside even when he didn't feel like taking out darkness monsters at near every turn. Which, granted, was rare in the first place.

Hands in his pockets, the only thing that actually gave him pause was the sudden flurry of cherry blossom petals. Brow furrowed, he stopped to stare up at the nearby tree, brushing the petals out of his hair and trying to figure out where the thing had come from - it hadn't been here last night, right? Not a moment later and he was continuing on his way, cutting a line through the darkness, set on ignoring the sudden cropping up of a peculiar set of thoughts. ]

[ ooc; feel free to run into Angel anywhere in the city, and even later on when he's forced to go to the butchers/ back home/whatever. i really don't care, HIT ME WITH ANYTHING ]


sometime back at the hotel... aintnorain September 1 2011, 02:23:20 UTC
[It wasn't unusual for Angel to be out at all times, but there was just an uneasiness about this time. She'd been up, still researching spells and making additions to hers. She looks up from throughs partly refurbished lobby.]

Rough night?


(yea) slipperysoul September 1 2011, 04:58:08 UTC
[ Looking around the place, hands on his hips, something was unsettling. Enough so, so that he hardly heard Fred speak up. ]

Huh? [ And then he was blinking himself back to attention, looking over at her. He was still managing to look concerned about.. all manner of things running through his head. ] Not any more rough than usual. Just.. different.


rudolphofvamps September 1 2011, 04:39:35 UTC
[It isn't long before he smells Sire near his territory. They had an understanding, but he doesn't even have it in him to be upset. Not when Angel still smells like home in that vaguely fucked up way he couldn't help but notice.

And so instead of letting him be, he's seeking him out, trailing him a little closer until he's sure the older vampire's caught his scent.]


OPEN! No warnings acemedium September 1 2011, 01:39:54 UTC
[Of course Maya had investigated. She was a curious, nosy, thing and those cherry blossoms had both popped out of nowhere and were beautiful and worth investigating. So not only had she checked them out (and spent a few minutes sitting under them just relaxing), she'd put a few petals in her hair]

[Having that done, she made her rounds. The office, errands, grocery shopping, stopping by at various places...]

[OOC: Feel free to run into her wherever! She's basically going to be more impulsive and have less of a brain/mouth filter than usual, so blunter and a bit more open/honest, but good friends might get hugs, etc]


goldilocked September 1 2011, 02:01:11 UTC
[is there someone watching her from behind that tree

is there]


acemedium September 1 2011, 02:10:10 UTC
[Maybe. But she's too busy trying to balance a petal on her nose (and not sneeze) to realize it]


1/2 goldilocked September 2 2011, 00:26:57 UTC
[waits for her to come closer...]


OPEN - Potential Warnings Later silverlunettes September 1 2011, 01:47:13 UTC
[Reim isn't typically one to stick his nose where it doesn't belong, especially when something weird is going on. But these trees are just too pretty (and a little hard for him to avoid). Oscar seems to be enjoying them to, jumping about and trying to eat the petals.]

[After a while, Reim gets a smile on his face.]

[ ooc: Feel free to run into him, or if you'd like to plot something, you can send me a message or connect to me on Plurk. ]


Reim~~ break_xerxes September 1 2011, 02:32:28 UTC
[Don't mind Break, jabbing you in the back with the end of his cane.. you've blocked his path, you were suppose to be leading him out to the stores but you've stopped. Stop it!.. stop stopping! ]

Aiyah~ Mister Reim, I say, you've gone awfully quiet.


Break! <33 silverlunettes September 1 2011, 02:45:32 UTC
[Reim groans uncomfortably and turns, looking back at Break irritably.]

Do you really have to do that?

[There's a pause. Something odd comes up. He wants to suddenly tell Break things that he wouldn't normally. He clears his throat, turns back around, and starts walking again.]


♥~♥~ break_xerxes September 1 2011, 21:01:15 UTC
[Aah~ that groan was like music to Break's ears, it let him know Reim was still with him.]

I do.

[Smiling, as Emily chirped in singing something about Reim being an idiot, just the normal daily trolling. Break did however raise a brow at Reim's throat clearing.]

Frog in your throat still?


OPEN. proxysearch September 1 2011, 01:47:13 UTC
[It's a little after noon when Re-l exits the police station and finds the trees blossomed outside. It's an odd sight, to be sure, but not unwelcome. They're beautiful, actually. She's never seen them before in her life. She's read about them, though.

It makes her think of Gin, actually. A blossom, detached from a branch, finds its way into her hair and she plucks it out, examining it for the moment. She discards it afterwards and heads out for her usual lunch.]

[ooc: I'm up for anything. She's going to be in and around the city for most of the day/rest of the week, so just let me know when you'd like to run into her.]


he_is_wild September 1 2011, 02:18:48 UTC
[Joker steps out of a butcher shop with a large back of meaty...something or other...

He tilts his head when sees Re-l and smiles.]

G'day, officer!


proxysearch September 1 2011, 02:22:14 UTC
[She's barely paying attention at first, which is why she very nearly passes him by. She glances at the Joker and nods.]



She stops and whips right back around, snatching at his coat.]

What the hell are you doing?!


he_is_wild September 1 2011, 02:32:29 UTC
[He grimaces, pulling away.]

Don't touch the coat! It was very expensive, you know!

[Then, deflating slightly]

And I was getting meat for the hyenas, Little Miss Rude.


OPEN! Warnings for Joker... he_is_wild September 1 2011, 01:48:08 UTC
[Joker is quietly wandering the streets, his fedora pulled low, a black duster wrapped around him. He isn't disguised but tonight he doesn't feel like being overly conspicuous either. He's thinner than he has been, now close to emaciation, but there is still a spark in his eyes.

As the evening breeze carries some blossoms past him, he glances up. The trees weren't there last night, he knows that much. But he doesn't spend much time thinking about it.]


leading3men September 1 2011, 03:37:53 UTC
[ Zoey has never seen trees like these before. They seemed almost anachronistic, or something like that: never belonging. She is hardly poetic - thoughtful, yes, but not eloquent - but she can see something as beautiful as these trees, whatever they are, in something harsh and corrupting as this island.

A wind gushes through the street, and some of the petals fall on Zoey's bangs. She shakes her head, dragging some of the more entangled petals out of her messy hair. When she looks up, she sees someone approaching, but he looks oddly familiar. But with the hat pulled down low and the feather duster wrapped around him, she doesn't pull two and two together. She drops her gaze, ready to consider that it's nothing. ]


he_is_wild September 1 2011, 04:05:40 UTC
[Joker sees Zoey as he approaches.

He lifts his chin, enough to show a toothy smile beneath the hat.]


leading3men September 1 2011, 04:33:11 UTC
[ Oh, Jesus, that smile gave her goosebumps -

Wait. Shit. She recognizes this guy now. ]

You got to be kidding me.

[ Off duty and no cuffs in sight. What do. ]


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