Who: OPEN.
When: The morning of August 31 until September 2.
Where: Sector 4 and random spots throughout the city.
Summary: Mysterious flowering cherry trees have sprung up overnight. They're beautiful, but their petals have some
strange effects...
Warnings: Put your warning in your subject line.
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[After a while, Reim gets a smile on his face.]
[ ooc: Feel free to run into him, or if you'd like to plot something, you can send me a message or connect to me on Plurk. ]
Aiyah~ Mister Reim, I say, you've gone awfully quiet.
Do you really have to do that?
[There's a pause. Something odd comes up. He wants to suddenly tell Break things that he wouldn't normally. He clears his throat, turns back around, and starts walking again.]
I do.
[Smiling, as Emily chirped in singing something about Reim being an idiot, just the normal daily trolling. Break did however raise a brow at Reim's throat clearing.]
Frog in your throat still?
No, I'm not sick. It's... uh...
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