Who cares if we’re trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow-

Jun 21, 2011 19:27

Who: Lion's Gate Employees, and maybe the Adventurous Gossip Reporter/Paparazzi or two?
When: June 21st, All Night
Where: Lion's Gate Club & Observatory
Summary: It's a nice day for a white wedding.
Warnings: Bridezilla Alert!

Shots of Patrón and it's on )

gazille redfox, julian 'hellion' keller, raul creed, keigo asano, *open log, franz d'epinay

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Comments 109

rapturescreed June 21 2011, 23:41:20 UTC
The place was a mess in Raul's mind, and the drunken debauchery was something even he couldn't handle at a time like this. What a month it had already been, with the bride's demands, with the intricacies of everything that this wedding was supposed to be and seen as.

Hell, he had to deal with the fingerprinting and vocal identification of the newly young groom from his bachelor party, just so the bride could be happy that he was actually the man she was marrying. Who knew love, and money, had no bounds?

As it is, Raul has limited himself to two places; the kitchen to get some food, and his office, because he was officially done with this wedding beside the security details. If anyone wanted to get through to him in his office, they would have to go through Franz; as it stood now, anyone could contact him through the walkie-talkies and ear pieces every member of the security detail was given.

Otherwise, he wasn't in the mood to see anyone.


Kitchen, bookie time! paysdelamour June 22 2011, 00:06:45 UTC
[Here is Francis, holding a plain manila envelope and a notebook tucked into his apron, keeping a careful watch from the kitchen on the proceedings, and that lovely redhead in the front row on the bride's side. But anyone that approaches him will be able to bet - yes, bet - on how quickly the bride and groom will end up splitting. No bets over $300 will be accepted, though, Francis doesn't want to get caught carrying around more than about $3000. But what goes on in the kitchen stays in the kitchen, so keep your traps shut, people.

Also, have some commentary with France about the wedding if you place a bet!]

(( ooc: Here's how betting works, you bet on a specific month marker, so something like "two months", "six months", "one year" (though anyone that takes that bet is going to have France laughing in their face). If the, erm, "happily" wedded couple splits up before a marker, the claimant of that marker wins the bet, netting them 200% of their original bet. So if they groom and bride split up in two months and two weeks, the ( ... )


sealbait June 22 2011, 01:40:26 UTC
[One would think Veser would have learned his lesson about gambling.

Nope. In between his waiter duties and trying to score dates with members of the wedding party he's wasting a few minutes with Francis.]

I've got $50 that says they'll last three months, three and a half at the most.


paysdelamour June 22 2011, 02:06:19 UTC
[It's all right, if you don't get a date with one of those ladies, you can always take Francis home. Rrrrowr~]

A frugal choice. [With a smirk, he draws out the envelope and the notebook, scribbling in his still surprisingly neat handwriting - "Veser", "50,00", "3 mos". Then he offers out the envelope for Veser to stick his money into.]

So how are you enjoying the wedding, chéri?


sealbait June 23 2011, 02:59:02 UTC
[No promises but we'll see. He slips the cash, all of it tips, into the envelope.]

It's okay. I'd probably be having more fun if I wasn't just passing out drinks and food but I'm not complaining about all the bridesmaids wearing pretty much nothing.


Security Detail ex_julianhe June 22 2011, 00:18:51 UTC
The club was a mess. No two ways about it, and Julian definitely didn't envy the guys working the bar. With the bride and her cadre of followers now looking like something straight out of his world's Hellfire Club, Julian was relieved his dealings with all of it were restricted to security.

Not that security for this event was any mean feat. With a guest list as long as this one, and what seemed like an even greater number of press-pass clutching reporters, photographers and God knew what else, he hadn't slowed down since he'd come on duty. He kept his ear piece on and his eyes open, watching for trouble. This was the kind of night that everyone wanted to go smoothly. In his experience, it rarely ever did.


Security Detail-Gazille omnomiron June 22 2011, 04:48:43 UTC
Gazille was propped against a wall at a higher vantage point, arms crossed over his chest and not really paying attention to how they could be creasing his suit. He watched the crowd carefully with red eyes, taking note of several suspicious characters and doing what he could to keep track of them. For now everything was going as smoothly as it could at something like this, but it was only a matter of time ( ... )


Re: Security Detail-Gazille ex_julianhe June 23 2011, 23:35:34 UTC
Truth be told, Julian was glad of the distraction. The guests were getting on with things, and no one was bugging him or trying to get past him. Hell, they probably thought Bridezilla was scarier than him, he wouldn’t blame them. He flicked on the earpiece.

“Yeah, tell me about it.” He’d been surprised to find out Gazille was working here too. Same position and everything, that was some kind of serendipity. He was fine with that, though; Gazille seemed like an okay guy. “Seems like they’ve got it covered. Anyone giving you grief? Quiet on this end.”


Security Detail-Gazille omnomiron June 29 2011, 15:35:48 UTC
"Nah. Think they're smart enough not to." He smirked at that.

It was pretty cool the kid managed to land in the same line of work. Now they could hang out a little more. Not that Gazille was really the friendly type, but he was working on making friends. Then again, Juvia wasn't here to keep an eye on his progress so he wasn't exactly making leaps and bounds at the task. In fact he was kind of failing miserably. But she was nakama so it was hard not to hear her in the back of his head every now and again. If she ever showed up he would hear it if he didn't have a friend or two.

"I'm alright with being wallpaper." Even if he stood out anyway, "Can't believe some of the shit going on here though." Like all the questionable activity that may or may not be sexual in nature. He wasn't sure if he should break it up or let'em go, they WERE porn stars and the bridezilla did pay a lot of money to let her guests have their fun.

"It's disgustin'"


WORKING THE BAR... thelittlestbub June 22 2011, 00:21:59 UTC
Jubilee listened to Security over the earpiece. Honestly, this wedding was... yeah. The only reason she'd volunteered to work overnight had been because she wanted the tips.

... And they were coming in, especially the drunker people got.

Taking a deep breath, she brought up another tray of flute glasses - to replace the ones missing, being washed, or broken - and settled them carefully near the champagne. Pouring another glass for someone, she turned, ducked under her fellow bartender and went back to working her space of the bar. Honestly, this was... She didn't think Emma and Warren combined could come up with something like this.


paysdelamour June 22 2011, 00:27:16 UTC
Quite a while into the evening, the more and more the wedding party got completely sauced and harder to deal with, out came an order for a drink from the kitchen - but it was an unusual request, specifically sent to Jubilee. The note that came with it said "Buy yourself a drink on me. XOXO", in an elegant handwriting that was written with what appeared to be a purple ballpoint pen.

Of course, it was only coincidence that Francis had been carrying around such a pen all night for some... ahem, "accounting".


thelittlestbub June 22 2011, 00:36:47 UTC
Of course it was coincidence. And of course it was coincidence that Jubilee had "found" a pink sparkly pen somewhere. So, the note got sent back.

"I don't drink alone. <3"

she pulled out a couple of beers for the people in front of her and went about her duty.


paysdelamour June 22 2011, 02:36:51 UTC
It also happened to be a coincidence that a new note was passed up to the bar for Jubilee to read, in the same purple handwriting -

"Ten minutes, love."


PAPARAZZI deathknellgrell June 22 2011, 00:37:54 UTC
[ Grell (as his mild-mannered photographer persona, "Eric") is on the scene. He's got a press pass dangling about his neck (stolen from the poor sod now lying unconscious in the bushes), and is currently taking pictures of the bride and her court, all clad in their costume lingerie.

He's smiling, and apologising, and bowing, and using a VERY bright flash. It's the sort of flash that renders most fabrics diaphanous - and lingerie COMPLETELY transparent. ]

Oh yes, lovely. One more shot if you don't mind. Sorry to trouble you!

[ FLASH! ]

Thank you.


asano_san June 22 2011, 02:09:34 UTC
[Keigo is headed for the kitchen, walking behind the wedding party while trying to balance a tray crowded with plates and glasses. For delicate woodland fairies, these people sure do stuff their faces. The flash startles him and he drops the entire tray. China and crystal shatters around him. In the moment before he realizes how dead he is for breaking everything, Keigo is just angry.]

Watch where you're pointing that!


deathknellgrell June 22 2011, 02:19:41 UTC

Except... not. MUST keep a straight face. If only for the sake of his performance. As a consummate actress. ]

Oh, my goodness gracious! I'm so terribly sorry! Let me help you with that!

[ He slings his camera over his shoulder and bends down to pick up the pieces. ]


asano_san June 22 2011, 02:26:17 UTC
[When the photographer responds with apologies instead of shouting back, he watches him pick up pieces of the glassware with a slowly dawning horror.]

Everything was so expensive! They're going to fire me! Or if they don't fire me, they might as well because all of my paychecks will be going to pay for all these glasses and plates!


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