Who cares if we’re trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow-

Jun 21, 2011 19:27

Who: Lion's Gate Employees, and maybe the Adventurous Gossip Reporter/Paparazzi or two?
When: June 21st, All Night
Where: Lion's Gate Club & Observatory
Summary: It's a nice day for a white wedding.
Warnings: Bridezilla Alert!

Shots of Patrón and it's on )

gazille redfox, julian 'hellion' keller, raul creed, keigo asano, *open log, franz d'epinay

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WORKING THE BAR... thelittlestbub June 22 2011, 00:21:59 UTC
Jubilee listened to Security over the earpiece. Honestly, this wedding was... yeah. The only reason she'd volunteered to work overnight had been because she wanted the tips.

... And they were coming in, especially the drunker people got.

Taking a deep breath, she brought up another tray of flute glasses - to replace the ones missing, being washed, or broken - and settled them carefully near the champagne. Pouring another glass for someone, she turned, ducked under her fellow bartender and went back to working her space of the bar. Honestly, this was... She didn't think Emma and Warren combined could come up with something like this.


paysdelamour June 22 2011, 00:27:16 UTC
Quite a while into the evening, the more and more the wedding party got completely sauced and harder to deal with, out came an order for a drink from the kitchen - but it was an unusual request, specifically sent to Jubilee. The note that came with it said "Buy yourself a drink on me. XOXO", in an elegant handwriting that was written with what appeared to be a purple ballpoint pen.

Of course, it was only coincidence that Francis had been carrying around such a pen all night for some... ahem, "accounting".


thelittlestbub June 22 2011, 00:36:47 UTC
Of course it was coincidence. And of course it was coincidence that Jubilee had "found" a pink sparkly pen somewhere. So, the note got sent back.

"I don't drink alone. <3"

she pulled out a couple of beers for the people in front of her and went about her duty.


paysdelamour June 22 2011, 02:36:51 UTC
It also happened to be a coincidence that a new note was passed up to the bar for Jubilee to read, in the same purple handwriting -

"Ten minutes, love."


thelittlestbub June 22 2011, 16:52:56 UTC
"Shame on you, making a lady wait. :)"

Honestly, Jubilee was having fun. There was nothing here that she hadn't seen before - hell, there was nothing here that wasn't on the internet - and these people were tipping like it was going outta style.

She had enough for bike repairs, registration, and some serious shopping for supplies. She liked working here.

Tonight, in honor of the wedding, she had put deep deep green streaks in her hair, lightened with the tiniest strips of almost periwinkle blue. She'd thought strapping on fairy wings might push the uniform too far.


paysdelamour June 24 2011, 18:37:46 UTC
After Francis finished his duties in the kitchen, and clocked out for his one break of the night, Francis stepped out of the kitchen, drawing his hair out of the ponytail he kept it in while working, and made his way over to the bar, making a beeline right for Jubilee. He slipped gracefully onto the barstool in front of her, and mentioned with a smile, "I do apologize for that, dear, I was indisposed when that note came." He seemed to enjoy her teasing though, as a grin was quite evident on his face.


thelittlestbub June 24 2011, 19:21:02 UTC
She laughed and shook her head. "Well, sir, since you've graced me with your presence, what'll it be?" She asked, pouring several drinks and taking them down the line.

Jubilee bounced back, looking better than she had in a long while. She wasn't going to explain herself either.


paysdelamour June 25 2011, 02:00:28 UTC
Francis, of course, reached over the bar and took her hand, giving it a kiss. "Oh believe me, Jubilee, one moment in your presence is enough to leave me drunk from your charm and beauty." Of course he was being flirty. He'd been cooped up all night in the kitchen! He had a lot of making up to do.

"Well thankfully I've been cooking a lot of things with alcohol in them, and I practice the French style of cooking." Meaning, he had been sampling the alcohol throughout the night. "Mais, anything you'd like to make, I'm sure I'd like to drink."


thelittlestbub June 25 2011, 03:15:45 UTC
"Then I have just the thing." She winked and reached behind the bar, pulling out a very light, fruity wine. It was supposedly a favorite of the bride's but Jubilee had tried it and thought it tasted more like berries than wine. Francis was the perfect person to share with.

"I have heard this comes highly recommended, sir. But you'll have to give me the truth." She presented the glass to him with a flourish.


paysdelamour June 26 2011, 02:02:06 UTC
Ah, wine, one of his favorites. Jubilee knew him quite well. He held the glass up, inspecting the color for a moment, taking a moment to swirl the liquid and smell the bouquet. He could tell just from the smell that it was going to be a much sweeter wine than he was accustomed to, but he couldn't say no to it just yet. Taking a light sip, he responded with, "Seeing as I like drier wines it is not my personal favorite, mais, for what it is... it is very good." Which was a wine that got you drunk without tasting like alcohol, obviously one of the bride's main goals if one knew anything about her personality.


thelittlestbub June 26 2011, 02:39:13 UTC
"A bit too froofroo for my tastes." She winked and put a beer on the counter, opening it and drinking it slowly. She much preferred... uncouth drinks as some people put it.

"So, how goes the kitchen?" She asked, cleaning up her work area while they talked. She could multitask.


paysdelamour June 27 2011, 21:51:50 UTC
"Mm, mais oui, I would agree. Alors, it's still nice." He hadn't had wine in such a long time. Alas! It had been much too long, even with the wine in the House. Perhaps he felt strange drinking wine at one in the afternoon, because that was now his only time to drink.

"It's been boring now that the guests are no longer eating, but drinking instead... I've just been doing a little betting pool." He smiled, sitting back a little in his chair, turning his head a little to glance over at the wedding party, and that lovely little redhead from earlier. But his attention soon turned back to Jubilee. "Though you seem to be having quite a lot of business."


thelittlestbub June 27 2011, 22:42:27 UTC
She sipped her beer, watching him. She shrugged and then held up a finger, as she went down the bar to refill a drink for someone. she came back and dropped a set of keys into a large glass dish that held quite a few sets already.

She came back, tucking her tip into her shirt. "I am going to need a shopping trip to soothe my soul and spend my tips." She winked. "Maybe buy a new slinky dress and get someone to take me out somewhere it'd be appropriate."


paysdelamour June 29 2011, 22:48:36 UTC
Francis gave Jubilee a little smile as she returned, placing his glass down for now. He'd finish it, slowly, throughout the night. He didn't want to get tipsy after all, the wedding party might run out of desserts or something, god forbid. "A little 'retail therapy' never hurt anyone." His smile turned into more of a flirty smirk when she winked at him and spoke again. "Do you have a person in mind for this particular 'someone'? They seem like a very lucky person."


thelittlestbub June 30 2011, 04:55:32 UTC
She chuckled and leaned on the bar, resting an elbow on the dark wood so she could brace her chin on her hand. "Oh, ya know, I might have one or two possibilities." Jubilee purred. "Of course, the place would have to be appropriate for the attire and the company would simply have to be top notch."


paysdelamour July 1 2011, 16:11:38 UTC
Francis mimicked her motion, leaning forward by placing his arms parallel with each other on the bar. His voice was teasing, light. "Well I suppose this excludes me, then, from your 'possibilities'. Lord knows why a beautiful, young woman like yourself would ever want to be seen with a man who's old enough to be her great-great-great-great-great grandfather. Although... I'd love to see you in your dress."


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