
Mar 10, 2011 12:44

Who: Yako Katsuragi [topslug] and YOU
When: The week of March 10th-March 16th. Just indicate the day and time in the subject of the thread.
Where: All over Siren's Port.
Summary: For someone who's just turned 20, Yako's been feeling awfully tired lately.
Warnings: PG13 to be safe.

rock me amadeus )

veser amaker hatch, franziska von karma, seth nightroad, yako katsuragi, france, lee chaolan, larry butz

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Comments 131

[Lunch @ the Cozy Chestnut Cafe] excellentviolet March 10 2011, 13:02:35 UTC
[Lee had something for trying out everything in an area. And the Port was no exception. Today, he was trying out things at the Cozy Chestnut Cafe, seeing if they had anything lunch-worthy.]


topslug March 10 2011, 13:37:29 UTC
Welcome to the Cozy Chestnut! May I take your order?

[ Smile bright and friendly, Yako comes to a stop beside Lee's table. The bulk of the cafe's customers come in during the late afternoon and evening, so the cafe doesn't have much of a lunch crowd; still, the murmur of voices is loud enough that she has to raise her voice a little to be heard. ]


excellentviolet March 10 2011, 13:50:57 UTC
Ah-- hello. [Lee smiles, calm and professional, as always.]

Do you have anything to recommend for lunch?

[The suggestive expression on his face says "Give me the house specialty."]


topslug March 10 2011, 14:09:16 UTC
[ The guy seems like a real gentleman, not like the cafe's usual guests-- mostly hipsters, college students, and aspiring poets. She tilts her head for a second, thinking.

She leans over his table to point out the items on the menu as she speaks. ]

The lengua con setas is the house specialty, but if you want my personal recommendation, I'd say the chicken spinach lasagna is a good choice, and it really fills you up!


[Afternoon, all over the mall yay] troublesmells March 10 2011, 13:13:01 UTC
[Larry's snack stand shift was over for the day, so you might see him around the mall picking up some stuff before heading home. Basic needs like clothes, and possibly a treat for his kitten. And new art materials. It's almost as if he has more luck with his being a freelance artist than working at the stand in the bowling alley.]


topslug March 10 2011, 13:52:48 UTC
[ Trotting through the mall-- by now, she's seen most of it-- when she catches sight of what looks like a familiar face. She hesitates for a moment, wondering if she could call out, then raises a hand to enthusiastically wave. ]

Hey! Mr. Butz!

[ Aaaand she's coming over, though the long hair trailing behind her certainly isn't how Larry last remembers seeing her. ]


troublesmells March 10 2011, 14:07:39 UTC
[Larry turns; he was looking at a formal suit that looked like a real babe magnet and lamenting the fact that he would never be able to afford it -

Someone's calling him. And he can't shake the feeling that he knows this pretty girl from somewhere...]


topslug March 10 2011, 14:13:08 UTC
[ Once he turns, she's sure it's him, and her smile grows a little bit wider. She comes to a stop once she's close enough for him to get a good look at her, and beams, pointing at herself. ]

It's me-- Yako!


March 11, 5 p.m.; some random park in Sector 4, is that ok? tiersdes March 10 2011, 21:15:37 UTC
[Seth decided to take a walk today, newfound squirrel pet perched on her shoulder. She's still drawing a blank as to what to name the thing---she already named one 'Abel,' so she wants to divvy things up a bit. She hums idly to herself as she strolls about, looking relaxed for the first time in several weeks.]

[ooc: She can feel free to enhance Seth's abilities! We'll work it out. c:]


that works out fine~ topslug March 11 2011, 10:05:39 UTC
[ The girl sitting on a park bench with two considerable piles beside her-- one of pretzels, the other of pretzel wrappers-- might look vaguely familiar. Or at least what little of her face can be seen every time she pauses long enough to surface for air between bites.

A small child in mittens and a floppy-eared hat has paused long enough to stare at the sight in awe, at least until his mother leads him away, muttering darkly. ]


tiersdes March 11 2011, 16:11:14 UTC
[Seth quickly comes upon this sight, and proceeds to stare in astoundment not unlike the child before he's shepherded off by his mother. However, she quickly laughs, and decides to make some conversation.]

Well, well. Hungry, are we? Doesn't eating that fast make your stomach hurt, though?


topslug March 11 2011, 17:15:46 UTC
[ MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH. She's so intent on eating that she doesn't immediately realize she's being spoken to. Once it registers, she half-chokes on a bite of pretzel before hurriedly swallowing it down. ]

A-ahaha... [ She laughs, sheepishly. ] You could say I'm used to it...


March 14th, evening...ish. dinnertime! grocery shopping. troparion March 11 2011, 03:42:01 UTC
Sometimes, he wondered how such a giant city could feel so cramped. It made him want to pace, like a rat in a cage - but going from one end of the island to the other was only enjoyable for so long, especially considering the degrees of wealth (and attitudes) the place went through. It was like having to set an old, cranky, bipolar woman who didn't know what she wanted out of life on a path-- a struggle to get anywhere, and once a fella did reach a point where he thought there was progress, she turned it all around on him.

But then he stepped foot in something like the grocery store, and the city once again felt too big.

As it was, this was one (Punisher-less, let it be noted) priest hovering over the peaches and plums and pears and apples, staring down at them all and looking a good deal confused. He'd split the grocery list with Tenma, but now that he actually had to get specifics, they were all ( ... )


topslug March 11 2011, 11:12:15 UTC
Yako normally wasn't one to like staying out until the sirens sound out, but the grocery store was along her route home and she was pretty sure Break said something about needing eggs...

Only of course, now she'd stayed much later than she'd meant to, and was hurrying to the counter, swallowing down the last of the bacon she'd been so kindly invited to taste. Why were grocery stores always so full of free samples, anyway? She could never walk out without snacking on at least a trayful, and now she was going to have to walk home through the Darkness. With groceries. The thought was enough to make her blood run cold... but not, alas, enough to persuade her to put her pack of chocolate chip cookies back on the shelf.

Since she'd intended to just duck into the store and leave, she didn't have a cart. Wobbling under the weight of her current armful of groceries, she didn't immediately realize when one of the snacks precariously balanced on top of the pile began to wobble, and then actually fall off, bouncing along the floor a couple of ( ... )


wwwhoa sorry for the lateness. ._. troparion March 16 2011, 22:35:42 UTC
Having been so engrossed in his own food selection, he only vaguely noticed the bump against his foot. Glanced down to check what it was, and - that was most definitely no plum or peach or ‘cantaloupe.’ As a girl was stumbling after it, he turned fully around, blinked upward-

“You’ve gotta watch it!” That would be Wolfwood completely ignoring any apology and rushing forward to help give some support for those grocery bags, which looked to contain enough food to feed the old orphanage for a week, though he doubted she was actually taking any of it to an orphanage (too much variety in the bag: everybody’d fight). But he wasn’t snapping at her: the words were more of just a general exclamation, especially since - “Don’t you want one of those carts, Miss?”

When it got to the point of dropping things and being unable to pick them up yourself - not that he knew that personally, he was just guessing from the looks of things - something was most certainly a bit wrong.


no worries dude! also doing shorter tags now lmao cuz of semi-hiatus topslug March 17 2011, 13:52:19 UTC
"Thanks--" And that would be Yako sighing in relief as a minor food disaster was averted. She shifted the weight of the groceries in her arm enough to peer around them at whoever had helped her steady them, grinning embarassedly.

"I didn't mean to buy this much-- I guess I just... got carried away?" Forlornly, she looked at the groceries in her arms. "I guess I should probably put some of these back. I don't think I have enough money anyway..."


March 11th, afternoon-ish, and random meeting on the streets sound good? paysdelamour March 11 2011, 16:52:23 UTC
Francis had another impulse to take a random walk throughout the city, and so he had, traversing across Sector 4. He'd been feeling even more restless now that he had most of the afternoons to himself to do whatever he wished - as long as he was at Lion's Gate before the sirens each night, he had nothing much planned for any of his days. He wanted desperately to enjoy his time in the sun, thus the walk.

What he didn't expect was to bump into someone as he turned the corner.

"Ah, pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle!" He immediately went to apologize, but as he looked at the girl, he paused. This woman was familiar somehow. It was in her face, he could have sworn he'd seen her face-- wait, if he just put short hair on her for a moment-- of course! "... Yako, ma belle, is that you?"


sounds good to me! power-triggering, or just hanging out like bros? o/ topslug March 11 2011, 17:35:27 UTC
"Mr Bonnefoy?" The surprise on Yako's face melted away, replaced by a warm, familiar smile. She lifted one hand to brush her hair out of her face and tuck it behind one ear, back to where it had been before Francis bumped into her.

"Yeah, it's me!" For a moment, that grin turned mildly self-conscious. "I guess I do look a little different, huh?"

Putting it lightly. Of course, she couldn't quite explain how she'd come about the sudden image change: whether or not powers were common here, she'd feel a little bit awkward explaining Akane to anyone who hadn't known Neuro. It was just one of those things.


Power triggering pleeeeeeease <3 paysdelamour March 11 2011, 19:44:53 UTC
"Oh please, call me Francis!" Francis smiled brightly at her, placing one gentle kiss on the air near each cheek, as was the custom in France when greeting friends. It had been a long time since he'd seen her and it was obvious in his face that he was very happy to see her.

"You look as beautiful as always, amie." Another grin locked onto his face as he admired her. "The long hair looks wonderful on you! Not that short hair didn't." He gave a small laugh, his smile still just as bright, though it had a little more of the qualities of a smirk.

"But how have you been? I haven't seen you in so long! You promised you'd visit me and you haven't yet!" To emphasize his point, he gave her a soft, teasing pout. "I've missed you, ma belle!"


lol welp I HOPE THIS TAG IS OKAY let me know if not o9 topslug March 12 2011, 06:23:43 UTC
The man was as affectionate as ever, which made Yako feel alternately a little embarrassed and a little flattered. When Francis leaned in towards her, Yako couldn't quite help jerking a little in surprise-- enough for her cheek to brush ever-so-lightly against Francis' as it passed by.

A curious thing, then: a jolt, like static electricity passing between them. Yako was about to respond to Francis, still half-smiling, when her knees suddenly folded up beneath her, half-collapsing onto the ground.

"Ah--!" The look on her face was nothing short of pure astonishment. For no reason she could think of, she felt like she'd just finished running a six-mile marathon.


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